Somebody with a white hat and apron should have carved the lines “The heart of food lies in the spices” on their kitchen wall, photographed it, put it in a frame and sell it on amazon. Thank me later!
Since I can cook better with words than with spices, I will present before you the flavours of Spices through these eye-drooling pictures and wish you a mouth watering read.
TheUncommonBox had hosted yet another photography contest that asked to capture the flavours, the essence, the heart of a delicious appetite and the conservatively well-know medicinal marvel, ‘Spices’. The focus of this contest was to capture the raw spices, regular or exotic, viz., chillies, cinnamons, cloves, etc., that are used in our daily cookery. It was a test of photography, styling and how well do you perceive the food nub. This interesting idea was suggested by one of the admin of TheUncommonBox, Manjari Nandy especially for the foodies, food bloggers, stylists and enthusiasts. The contest welcomed the combo of food and photography enthusiast, to put forward a spicy affair, creatively for various eyes to see.
For participation, there were set of rules which were to be followed, in order to make it to the entry list. Pictures of raw spices were to be uploaded, along with the #SpiceupTUB and #theuncommonbox. The work had to be completely original and no plagiarism was appreciated. The rules are looked into strictly, since we found a lot of manipulation with respect to them.
We received over 180 posts, that were further sorted and selected for the toppers list, by our members Anik Sau, Kamia Madan, Manjari Nandy, Virgin Khanikhor and Vaibhav and to be honest the shortlisting was extremely tough! The entries were extremely striking and appealing. Restating this once again, that it wasn’t easy to pick our top 25.
So without further ado, let us have a look at the top 25 of this contest.
01. Shrikripa @shrikripa7

02. P. Pratikshya @dawatepratikshya

03. Sarika Gupta @worldfood_onmy_table

04. Roshni Praharaj @fit_for_plate

05. Tanya Asrani @tanyacookbook

06. Binny @eatwithbinny

07. Harsimran Kaur @gourmet.gaze

08. Akshatha @mystic_pan

09. Supriya Manoj

10. Maumita Paul @gastronomad_m

11. Saraniyaa Pradeep @blendofspicesbysara

12. Sanjivani Banakar @sanjusfoodielife

13. Gayathri @gayathri_shashikiran

14. Gouthami Yuvarajan @gouthamiyuvarajan

15. Nimrata Kaur @dr.nimrata

16. Ruku @rukusdiary

17. Sushma maheshwar @sushma.maheshwar

18. Jayalakshmi Rangarajan @kitchenmusingsbyjay

19. Ranjitha R Prabhu @ranjitharprabhu

20. Sharmi @bakewithbittybakes

21. Shruti Tandon Dhawan @shrutiz_kitchen_journey

22. Shravani @mycurryveda

23. Fahira Abdullah @currylens

24. Lucy @lucy1_991

25. Akanksha Srivastava @cooklo_eatlo

The results will also be published on our Instagram page in few days.
Congratulations to all the winners, we hope you continue showing off your creative brilliance and keep participating in our contests.
Now to the ones who didn’t make it to the list, saddle up your horses, because it isn’t the end of the world. Everyone of you had created amazing frames which made it difficult for us to judge. Keep participating in future contests and continue with your incredible creative skills. We wish you all the luck!
And finally, to the reader, TheUncommonBox is always up and high about new contests and activities, conducted on their social media pages. So if you didn’t find your zone in this contest, stay tuned because we will come up with variety of creative activities and competitions in the upcoming time.
You can check our one of the post on food creativity i.e. Food art ideas which helps to your children to eat healthy foods.
This article is written by KSHITI JHALA. You can find her writing on her Blog and Instagram. Follow her to read her writings.
This article is Curated by @frameshade. Follow him for his photography work
You can follow “THE UNCOMMON BOX” at the following social channels