HomeInsight TUBTUB Speak9 Invalid Excuses That Are Actually Stopping You From Following Your Passion

9 Invalid Excuses That Are Actually Stopping You From Following Your Passion

Every individual is called to play multiple roles in one lifetime but he also has a responsibility towards himself- that is, following his dreams and passion. But in most cases, he does not and lists a set of reasons for it.

Join me, The Uncommon Box, along with illustrator collaborator Sarthak Chatterjee, as we tell you why these excuses are invalid and what you can actually do instead!

“Where there is a will, there is a way!”

The popular proverb speaks of a very simple truth. If you have a burning passion in yourself, some dream, some aspiration that urges you forward, do not hesitate- listen to that little voice in your head and make that dream a reality.

Hmmm… I can sense your hesitation all the way across this screen that separates us right now, but take a moment and hear this friend telling you, just what you need to hear! 🙂

“We are all busy in the monotonous routine we have created for ourselves- home, workplace and then back home. This is sometimes out of choice but more often, we feel there is no other option for us. Our lives continuously revolve around earning money, paying bills and handling various responsibilities. But whenever we get frustrated and tired with our daily routine, we think about our hobbies.”

I have many friends who love to write brief reflections on different aspects of their experiences but do not pursue their interest. I found some interesting and irrational reasons which hinders them from exploring their hidden talent in their favourite hobby i.e. WRITING.

I made up my mind to answer each of these ‘excuses’ with my experience and wish to share them with you. Now the best part about this article is, you can substitute the term ‘Writing’ with any other hobby of your choice 🙂


Excuse #1 :  ‘Yaar, I can’t write well’
10 Invalid Excuses That Are Actually Stopping You From Following Your Passion
Illustration : Sarthak Chatterjee

I have decided to answer this reason with a simple question –

Were the popular writers like ‘Paulo Coelho’ ‘Dan Brown’ or even ‘Shakespeare’ equally good in their initial stages?”

The problem with us is that because we expect too much from ourselves, we believe that we have to be ‘awesome’ in our very first attempt. This expectation from ourselves hinders us from making a start in writing at all. So, do not succumb to the pressure of expectation- just pick up that pen and let your thoughts flow.


Excuse #2 : ‘Yaar I don’t get the time as I have to go to work from 9 to 6!’
10 Invalid Excuses That Are Actually Stopping You From Following Your Passion
Illustration : Sarthak Chatterjee

Do you work all the time in your workplace?

Don’t you stop for a few moments in day to catch up with colleagues or your loved ones?

Calculate that time and I am sure, it will be approximately 1 to 2 hours. Use some of that time for writing or do the same, while commuting to and from work. Maybe you can just jot down the points for a piece of writing you can do later.


Excuse #3 : ‘ I have kids and I have to look after them.’
10 Invalid Excuses That Are Actually Stopping You From Following Your Passion, Mary Com
Illustration : Sarthak Chatterjee

Stay-at-home Mothers, indeed, parenting is really a very big responsibility.

“But do think that if Mary Kom would have thought similarly, then she would not have ever won the World Boxing championship title and that too five times over!”

But yes, it is not about winning glory or medals here- it is about channelizing your creative side, which is so crucial.

Use the time when you kids sleep or go to school or are playing.It’s all about your initiative actually. Think differently – how would you have managed all these, if you went to work?

For the women who are already working, I guess your query is answered in the segment above 🙂


Excuse #4 : ‘I don’t know how to post online as I am not techie’
10 Invalid Excuses That Are Actually Stopping You From Following Your Passion
Illustration : Sarthak Chatterjee

Did you know how to use Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter easily right from the start? You got familiar with them over time.

Similarly take an initiative and start writing on your favourite topic. Creating a blog is just second step and you will familiarise yourself with the process with time.

For your help, refer to the following link for creating a blog and post your data

So don’t give this excuse now that you are not a techie.

“If you find a problem in using the above link then please mail us at theuncommonbox@gmail.com, we will help you in creating it. But make a start rather than give up.”


Excuse #5 : ‘My English is not okay or good.’
10 Invalid Excuses That Are Actually Stopping You From Following Your Passion, Amitabh Bachchan
Illustration : Sarthak Chatterjee

Who is perfect? Blogging is a way to express your thoughts, not to impress any language expert. It’s about what you think and what you want to share with others through this medium. Language is just a way of communication. Write in your own language English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Gujarati.  Or you can even use HINGLISH as many of us do now a days.

“Don’t make language a barrier which stops you from writing. Just start writing and gradually acquire the expertise in the language. Get rid of the starting issue.”


Excuse #6 : ‘I can’t write in a noisy environment.’
10 Invalid Excuses That Are Actually Stopping You From Following Your Passion, sachin
Illustration : Sarthak Chatterjee

Hey, learn from Sachin Tendulkar. He would not have been a great batsman if noise distracted him in a stadium filled with thousands of spectators and a hostile rival team.

“Clamp down on the noise inside you which is stopping you from making a new beginning. Peace is an inside job :)”


Excuse #7 : ‘I don’t know on which topic I should write.’
10 Invalid Excuses That Are Actually Stopping You From Following Your Passion
Illustration : Sarthak Chatterjee

While conversing with a friend, do you rehearse a speech before?  The same goes for writing. The thoughts come from your heart and your mind executes them in beautiful words.

So give some time to your positive mind and you will get to know on which topic you want to write.”


Excuse #8 : ‘There are so many writers and bloggers, I can’t with compete them.’
10 Invalid Excuses That Are Actually Stopping You From Following Your Passion, competition
Illustration : Sarthak Chatterjee

Why you want to compete? Are you here for any competitive exams or to show someone that you are the best?

“Do things for yourself, not for others. Others have achieved the success due to their hard work they put in. That’s why they are famous and inspiring.”

Similarly, get started and gradually you will be also be known and followed by others. So express your thoughts, write for yourself, not for others.


Excuse #9 : ‘People make fun of my thoughts or writings’
10 Invalid Excuses That Are Actually Stopping You From Following Your Passion, charlie chaplin
Illustration : Sarthak Chatterjee

Even Charlie Chaplin is famous for making fun of himself and is a legendary now. Isn’t he?

“If someone makes fun of your thoughts or criticises you, regard them asspeed breakers on your journey.”

It is up to you to decide to stop, or slow yourself or go over it smoothly without stopping. Use it to strengthen your determination.


If you have any other excuse that is also used in many cases- do share them with us and we can continue this discussion.


The interesting point which I would like to reiterate is that though I have discussed the topic of writing basically here, this would apply to any form of hobby you would like to pursue but feel obstructed to.

It is from personal experience that I have spoken. The Uncommon Box was not built in a day 🙂 we are all still constantly striving and improving ourselves here- so don’t waste another day! Happy Journey friends 🙂


Team TUB would specially like to thank Sarthak Chatterjee for his absolutely fantastic illustrations for this article. Battling time and ill health, Sarthak has indeed done a marvellous job.

You can follow his work on Instagram

This article is also a part of our C3 community project as it involved the collaboration of illustrator Sarthak Chatterjee with Team TUB.

We invite more such collaborations with all artistes. Do get in touch with us using any of the means mentioned earlier.

We encourage all kind of creative work whether articles, poems, sketches, doodling, painting, food styling or about fashion or travelling or photography.

If you are on instagram follow us @TheUncommonBox and use our hashtag #TheUncommonBox for the same.

You can reach us on FB Page too by following our page “THE UNCOMMON BOX”. and can tweet @THEUNCOMMONBOX


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Team TUB
Team TUBhttps://theuncommonbox.com
The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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