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10 Voices Of Protest – Siyahi Ki Aawaz Challenge Organized By The Uncommon Box For The #TUBWITHSAFECITY Campaign

The Uncommon Box stands for the rights that help individuals to lead the most meaningful life they can. It is this inspiring thought that led us to collaborate with Safecity, an international not-for-profit organization in a special 2-week campaign called simply #TUBWITHSAFECITY

‘Sihayi ki Aawaz’ was the Nano tales writing contest held during the month of September 2017  as part of our joint campaign to spread awareness against sexual violence. It has been a delight for us to come across such thought-provoking entries.

10 Voices Of Protest - Siyahi Ki Aawaz Challenge Organized By The Uncommon Box For The #TUBWITHSAFECITY Campaign
Siyahi Ki Aawaz

Sexual violence is one of the most heinous crimes that is spreading rapidly throughout the globe. We come across many such survivors who have been victims of sexual assault, rape, and sexual abuse. It can happen anywhere, anytime and with anyone.  It is a silent epidemic, often going unreported because of the stigma attached to the victim.

It is time to change and only we can bring about the change.

“The challenge thrown to the writers was to pen down their thoughts on not more than 20 words on the theme of sexual violence. The participating writers were given the freedom to either choose the horrors of sexual violence or a strong protest against it.”

10 Voices Of Protest - Siyahi Ki Aawaz Challenge Organized By The Uncommon Box For The #TUBWITHSAFECITY Campaign
Siyahi Ki Aawaz – Rules & Regulation

This contest reconfirms The Uncommon Box’s determination to keep strengthening itself to be the most preferred platform for artists of all genres.

In the span of two weeks of the contest, we received wonderful pieces of writings with some magical craftsmanship in words. Unfortunately, few got disqualified due to non-compliance of rules, so we request our participants to be more careful in future.

Though it has been a tough job for the team to choose the winners for the competition as each one possess the mark of excellence, the team came up with 10 exceptional nano tales from among the entries.

Keeping in mind the rules for the competition, these selections have managed pretty well to bring out the actual essence of the given theme.




#ARCHITA PUROHIT @image_of_ink

10 Voices Of Protest - Siyahi Ki Aawaz Challenge Organized By The Uncommon Box For The #TUBWITHSAFECITY Campaign
Credits : ARCHITA PUROHIT @image_of_ink


#RISHIKA ARORA @caffeinated_writer

10 Voices Of Protest - Siyahi Ki Aawaz Challenge Organized By The Uncommon Box For The #TUBWITHSAFECITY Campaign
Credits : RISHIKA ARORA @caffeinated_writer


#SAKSHI DAMANI @scribblear

10 Voices Of Protest - Siyahi Ki Aawaz Challenge Organized By The Uncommon Box For The #TUBWITHSAFECITY Campaign
Credits : SAKSHI DAMANI @scribblear


#YASMINE GHAZAL @y.gh.writings

10 Voices Of Protest - Siyahi Ki Aawaz Challenge Organized By The Uncommon Box For The #TUBWITHSAFECITY Campaign
Credits : YASMINE GHAZAL @y.gh.writings


#JYOTI PANDIT @_babiegirl__

10 Voices Of Protest - Siyahi Ki Aawaz Challenge Organized By The Uncommon Box For The #TUBWITHSAFECITY Campaign
Credits : JYOTI PANDIT @_babiegirl__


#DEEPIKA @frommypen

10 Voices Of Protest - Siyahi Ki Aawaz Challenge Organized By The Uncommon Box For The #TUBWITHSAFECITY Campaign
Credits : DEEPIKA @frommypen


#SHEREEN A. MIR @fromlifetoshereen

10 Voices Of Protest - Siyahi Ki Aawaz Challenge Organized By The Uncommon Box For The #TUBWITHSAFECITY Campaign
Credits : SHEREEN A. MIR @fromlifetoshereen


#SABAH BATUL @sabah_on_paper

10 Voices Of Protest - Siyahi Ki Aawaz Challenge Organized By The Uncommon Box For The #TUBWITHSAFECITY Campaign
Credits : SABAH BATUL @sabah_on_paper


#JATIN @word_pond

10 Voices Of Protest - Siyahi Ki Aawaz Challenge Organized By The Uncommon Box For The #TUBWITHSAFECITY Campaign
Credits : JATIN @word_pond


#GAURANGI GUPTA @badboldbeautiful

10 Voices Of Protest - Siyahi Ki Aawaz Challenge Organized By The Uncommon Box For The #TUBWITHSAFECITY Campaign
Credits : GAURANGI GUPTA @badboldbeautiful


At the very end, we would like to conclude that the enthusiastic response we received for this unique campaign was very heartwarming.

We would like to thank each and every participant for their effort. This encourages Team TUB to work harder and present new thoughts and ideas each day.

A special word of acknowledgment to SafeCity for being wonderful partners to collaborate with on such an important social issue. We hope to continue with our social responsibility initiatives in this manner.

The Uncommon Box is always trying to come up with new and innovative ideas for conducting contests, catering to all genres of art, on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

If you have a friend, family member, co-worker or neighbor who is experiencing domestic or sexual violence, talk about it or write in to us at theuncommonbox@gmail.com or use the Submit Your Story on our portal

Follow us @theuncommonbox and hashtag us #theuncommonbox on your uploads to be specially featured on our community on Instagram and on Facebook Group and Facebook Page.

? Our platform curates quality content from all genres of creativity – we invite writersartistsfashion followersstylistsphotographersperformance artistsbloggerslifestylistsFood Lovers – anyone with a passion for making their dreams come true. We are a forum sincerely dedicated to the promotion of all spheres of creativity. You can be a professional or an amateur – you can be anyone starting your hobby afresh! All that matters is your creative spark! So join us today and live the Uncommon life!




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Team TUB
Team TUBhttps://theuncommonbox.com
The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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