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AUTISM – Why To Fit In When You Were Born To Stand Out!

“Schools connect children to their communities. Jobs connect adults to their societies. Persons with autism deserve to walk the same path.” –Ban Ki-moon

Rightly said – “Accept Difference, Not Indifference”

AUTISM - Why To Fit In When You Were Born To Stand Out!
Photo By @alireza_attari

Autism is not just a problem, but a different and in a way, can say difficult journey. A journey with a quite small ray of light beaming at the end of the road your eyes can visualize.

Sometimes tiresome, you keep on struggling to overcome, but at the end of the day, a few things are just beyond human control.

So, what do you do?

Do you surrender the issues in the hands of supreme power?

Do you still feel the need to try your best to reshape things?

Do you still want to save and nurture that pure life?

Do you still think of the ways to open new lively ways to uplift?

If you go by the definition – Autism is not a mental health problem. It’s a developmental condition that affects how you see the world and how you interact with other people. Though devastating at first, Autism isn’t the end of the world. It’s the beginning of a whole new one.

AUTISM - Why To Fit In When You Were Born To Stand Out!
Photo by Polina Kovaleva

But still, believe it for autistic people, are quite special in their ways. Just like anyone else, autistic people can have good mental health.

However, there are certain traits that most autistic people experience to some extent. They are:

– Difficulty recognizing or understanding other people’s emotions and expressing their own.

– Being over-or under-sensitive to things like loud noises and bright lights and finding crowded noisy spaces challenging.

– Preferring familiar routines and finding unexpected changes to those routines challenging or distressing.

– Having intense and specific interests in things.

– Difficulties reading body language, understanding sarcasm, and facial expressions.

“If they can’t learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn” –O. Lvar Lovaas

Many times, people do not suffer from Autism, but they do suffer from the way others treat them.

AUTISM - Why To Fit In When You Were Born To Stand Out!
Photo by Nicola Barts

Their families already undergo a lot of inbuilt pressure and insecurity for the affected person’s future. If you cannot be a supportive and helping hand to them, ensure you are not the demotivating factor in their life.

There is a thin line between being educated and being qualified. Being qualified enables us to understand the definition of issues in life, but being educated teaches us how to face, handle and respond to those issues.

We are blessed to be born as human beings, the most capable and thoughtful creatures created by the supreme power. So, the difference lies in, how mindful we are in talking, treating, and behaving with autistic people.

We must try our best to understand it.

Do not assume anything about Autism, do a bit of study before reaching out to any conclusions.

At last, you must remember – Being Kind is the most beautiful thing you can do in your human existence. It goes this way: “I am different. Not less.” –Dr. Temple Grandin

The article is written by Vartika Gupta(@vartika_g02)

Curated by Vaibhav and his Instagram id is @frameshade

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The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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