HomeMusingsInternational Men's Day Special: A Fairy Tale

International Men’s Day Special: A Fairy Tale

Ever since we were kids, fairy tales had always been a part of our lives. With changing times it updated from princess’s dependence and longing for her prince to her riding horse and falling in love with man of her dreams. But here now, the tale changes a little more. The men too, have suffered the burden of being the breadwinner, the house protector and doing what is said to be a “man’s job”, for years now. So why not bring a fairy tale that celebrates their other side!

Gist: The tale revolves around a conversation between Prince Charming and his father, The King.

Once upon a time there was a prince, who rode a cycle and cried only in his dreams,

Then on one sunshine, as he was swinging his sword in air, learning how to cut his enemy’s head, he saw his father, the king, in the kitchen, chopping onion rings,

“What is this that you are doing, father? Aren’t you supposed to protect our family, count your notes or go to the bank?”

The king laughed and called his son inside,
“Your mother is sick, sleeping in her bed, do you want me to wake her up, for making us bread?”

The prince stood silent but continued his gaze,
“Don’t think, my son, that you own the right to count mere notes or travel to the bank; and while you hold a sword so tall, don’t think I am weak for my blade’s a little small”

“But it gives you tears! Father! Men are not supposed to cry!”

The king smiles at the innocence underlying the societal ignorance,

“Yes they shouldn’t, when their woman cries, but it’s alright to shed a few, when their favorite flower dies.”

“Men are supposed to be strong.” The prince argues.

“You think your mother’s weak, for her arms hold a knife instead of striking a steel?”

The prince, yet again, falls under silence.

The king kisses his cheeks and gives out the answers the boy seeks,
“There is no strong and weak, oh prince, that you judge merely on who sheds tears or fights the wild bears, there is but only strong and weak that every human feels, when danger clouds upon their dears.”

The prince gets down as he unravels his early learnings,

The sword lies quiet, the knife lies sharp, he runs towards his cycle to bring a new harp,

The king retires back to his chopping after shouting his last words of advice,

“Paddle safely son and don’t hold your tears, if you fall!”

This was a little attempt to normalize the actions and emotions of a man, which the society has suppressed him from. Cherish the men in your life, for there is no peaceful world without either gender. The Uncommon Box hereby wishes all the men around the world, a Happy International Men’s Day!

The article is Written by Kshiti Jhala. Her Instagram id is @kshiiti

Picture Credit : Google

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Kshiti Jhala
Kshiti Jhalahttps://serenelifes.in/
A law graduate with a knack for writing since she was 16 y/o. In her words, "Writing for me, is not just an art put into use, it is my passion for words and stories that has helped me continue pursuing this path." She has been with TUB now for almost a year and has been a happy part of our family.

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