HomeMusingsA to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block

We have seen the alphabets from the very beginning of our Learning journey.

A B C D E F G…

I know you are reading it in the same tone that you did in your kindergarten and now you are smiling. We have seen these alphabets so many times that these magical creatures that can make wonders by standing next to each other in some order, make people understand, make people cry, make people work. These alphabets are one among the things that we have taken for granted but yet so essential to give a language its written allure.

If I did tell you that these alphabets could be speaking differently to different people,  would you agree? If your answers were

  1. A “W” is a “W”, what is the big deal? if this is the question in your head, what you are about to see next is going to blow you away.
  2. A “W” can be an inverted “M”, it’s all about perspectives, then to you are going to be taken on a journey that is sure to make you take notice and smile.

These artistic versions of the Alphabet that you shall C have been designed and conceptualized by Sunit Joseph who is an art director with 4 years of work experience at Lowe Lintas and has worked for brands like Fastrack, Swiggy, and Britannica.

He finds inspiration from Stefan Sagmeister and Jessica Walsh and is also passionate about design and Photography, with desires of being a part of the film crew for BBC Earth, or being a photographer for the National Geographic.

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

His passion for creating new and exciting work has led him to create a series of Images that make you sit up and take notice.

Here he deftly tackles the “Artists Mental Block”, If I can hear you groan, remembering your own trysts with the writer’s block, then this post is just for you.

In the Illustrations below, we find this artist exhibits his mastery over Alphabets – with a wonderful relationship that he draws out in connection with the Artists Mental block; how each alphabet can turn into a face of yet another case of the Artist’s block.

Words from the artist himself

“But I didn’t want each letter to particularly stand for a specific thing, because it was the easiest thing to do and everyone was doing that. I also felt that it was a bit restrictive to thinking freely, so I decided to take inspiration from the shape of each alphabet. So, I’ve represented each letter as a physical block representing an Artist’s mental state, that could hinder or torment him.“

So without further ado,

Bullied Into Submission

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

The Artists Mental Block is an imaginary bully that sits on your shoulders with its legs on either side, It never lets you think of anything except the same plot over and over again until you just let the block take hold of you and keep you grounded without ideas to fly.

Prison Break – Anyone?

Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

As a writer you are struck with self-doubt, a prisoner in that zone of low confidence, you write a few lines, scratch them over.

Write -> Scratch -> Repeat Mode.

Bhaag Milka Bhaag !

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

Do you feel that your creativity has been chased away by the big bad boulder of the Artists Mental Block? Is it hampering you so much that you tend to stop your dreams mid track?
One needs to make peace and continue working on your dreams, the big boulder shall abate. if not for you who will chase your dreams?

Shit Just Got Technical

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

At times when we are faced with the mental block, creativity is not incoming, we need a let out and the quiet of the toilet can let it go! But Hey, the block is extended there too. Blowing off steam is one way to do it, beat the block!

Sherlock and the case of the stolen Toiletries

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

Just when you think you are there, beaten the block and made the victory block; Sitting at your desk, getting ready to make your masterpiece. The Block strikes again, you run around to search the pen, the brush and so on.

Hanging on for Dear Ideas

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

You know when the hero is about to fall over the edge and drop into a river of crocodiles and by some miracle the hero is saved. Just that here there are no miracles coming your way, you are dangling upon an idea that just seems to be there to save you but just is it not there yet.

Struck in the Vice Grip on an Anaconda

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

The Mental block can squeeze the life out of you like a wrestler beating down on his/her hapless opponent. Sometimes ideas can be frustrating to come by, the block can squeeze you dry like the clutches of an Anaconda.

H for Haddi, H for follow

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

H is the Haddi in your Kebab, standing in between you and your ideas of art. Or like a shape in the Tetris game that just is in no mood to let you win. The Artists Mental block can be just like this. As a writer, I have imagined the beginning and the claps at the end, the middle just seems hollow and unreachable.

Who Am I?

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

Who Am I? What is my Identity? There are so many artists out there, is my art even worth it, should I even continue this futile venture. Some of us are bogged down by this Imposter syndrome. The faster we get out of it, the better it is.

Anchored Weight!

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

When in search of an idea, fishing for inspiration and then it turns out to drown you with it being an anchor weight. Ideas can make or break you but then some pull you down with them.

PO kicks you right in the gut!

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

When an idea strikes, you have worked a great deal on it and your excitement knows no bounds and then right out of the blue kicks you right in the gut, when someone looks at it and goes “K”. Not good, not bad, not a list of long lines of critique but just K!


A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

The bundle of papers lie there strewn with drawings, poems, ideas and sketches that just did not meet your own expectations let alone the approval of others. The block can make you feel like a LOSER!
Do not lose hope keep at it, you keep telling yourself, but the wreck just keeps getting worse with each try.

BLEH ! MEH ! That’s all ?

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

At times, when you compare your art with others, the artists mental block re-iterates again and again, that your work “ Just ain’t up to the mark”. It dampens your spirit immensely and daunts you with an outstanding figure. Its David vs Goliath, except that David has no catapult.

The Hand of Power

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

Sometimes the mental block can just steam roll your confidence and wreak havoc with you. Strong-arming your ideas to mean nothing at all. Rebels are warned to stay indoors. Ready to take on the hand?

Chain ki Neend Pao !

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

Sometimes we are chained with no hope of escape. Your ideas are leashed, walking, trotting with the confines of the chain. The Mental Block does not even let you sleep.

The Walls are closing in on you! Get out…

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

The walls are coming in to get you, the deadline seems daunting, there is no artwork in progress. Progress is at standstill. Time is ticking and the walls are closing in. The block is about to get you, get out and run!

Alarm has been kidnapped

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

The alarm has taken a vacation, just when you need it, throwing all your plans up the window. The Panic monster may have killed the alarm. Who knows? Time and Tide waits for none!

Skate Bored !

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

Somethings and some people just like to wreck your day, the carefully made-out plans are off the hook and they go on and on, not letting you work at all. Who cares about you and your workday anyways. R was just bored and thought you would be fun!!

Swag just got too heavy BRUh!

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

An Idea just got too heavy to handle. The very same thing that was giving you eyeballs of attention are now your embarrassment. It is just getting too much of a toll to keep with the image of perfection and SWAG

RAVANA ‘s Train

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

The Mental Block sits as a scare crow, not letting any of your ideas take the train. The scare you stiff and make you sit where ever you are with no plans of ever moving away. Sometimes the Scarecrow Rakshasa has one head too many!

Pressure = Volume * Density or Volume/Density

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

Pressure can make you take rash decisions or at times no decisions at all. Sometimes there is too much at stake and no goof up allowed. The mind goes into overdrive or completely goes off the hook like a mad train resulting in dips that paralyse you further.

Wedged in between the rock and a hard place!

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

Sometimes life plays a prank on you and you are wedged in between the rock and the hard place. it just ain’t right to play a prank but who is listening to me anyway!

And then there were NONE

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

The up’s and down’s of life and the experience can take a toll on you in your journey to wisdom and finding the right inspiration to your masterpiece. At times life take you on a roller coaster , you just need to hang on tight!

Also Read: Exploring Psychological Disorder With 26 Illustrations

Going X-treme

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

Sometimes an over enthusiastic person can hamper the voice of your art forms. Art and style is now being dictated by a possessive lover, who just wont let go of you ideas, clinging to them like an over possessive Ex.

Swoosh and He’s gone!

A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

Some things catapult us too fast, so fast that we are left reeling and wondering what the hell, just happened. Certain events can land your mind so far from inspiration that it takes you years to just understand where you are.


A to Z Creative Representation of the Artists Mental Block
Sunit Joseph @crispypoppadom

The Unknown that is waiting under the bed waiting to scare you stiff and put all your work on hold. Peering below to look for monsters that are stopping your ideas from taking shape.

It happens to all of us and Sunit has captured the “Mental Block” with such creativity that we are going to Kindergarten to re-learn them again and view with a hint of awe and curiosity and ask the story behind each alphabet.

What each story holds is different for each person and perspectives change with people.

Sunit Joseph wanted to be a Doctor or an Engineer in his early childhood. Initially, art was a hobby even and until college but then he later found his voice in the area of Visual Communication, after three years of Animation, Graphic Design, and Photography; he found his way to the advertising industry. He confides that most of what he knows has been self-taught and over years in the field. As an artist, he firmly believes that curiosity can lead to a multitude of possibilities. Although he plans to have his own design studio in the future, he wants to join the film crew of BBC Earth or be a wildlife photographer with the National Geographic.

You can follow the artist Sunit Joseph at the following links:
Instagram | Behance 

We at TheUncommonBox are happy to feature just such artists that think beyond the obvious and show us a whole new world of possibilities. If you have a unique perspective that the world deserves to know, tell us and we shall feature you and your story here. The world of possibilities is waiting for us to meet. Contact us on the various social media sites and get introduced to a whole new world of artists.

The article is Written by Sunil Sathyendra. His Instagram id is @sunilsathyendra

The article is Curated by Vaibhav. His Instagram id is @frameshade

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Team TUBhttps://theuncommonbox.com
The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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