“Faces are never ugly or beautiful, minds are” – Words of An Author who is full of Love, Simplicity, and Passion

Born and brought up in Delhi, she is a free-spirited Author/poet/writer who believes in not following any strict writing style, as the words are meant to reach to the heart of every reader for a deep connection instead for just a sham. Shilpa Goel started her journey as an Instagram writer and now she has made a debut as an author with the publication of her first book, “Poetic Letters To God.”

She was featured as one among 7 Eccentric Authors of Instagram by The Uncommon Box and in the list of 31 Modern Poets, You Should Follow by Glow Habits. With a huge fan following of nearly 85 thousand on Instagram, she is an inspiration to millions of inspiring poets and writers out there. Talking about inspiration, at the start of her journey when she was surrounded by utter confusion about making certain decisions, Chef Vikash Khanna inspired her a lot and made her fall in love with poetries.

Finally, after hicks and hiccups, she found peace in writing. When asked about the source which keeps her creativity at the edge, she said, “Creativity lies within everyone, it is just that the person needs to realize and acknowledge it.”
She further added, it is a bit challenging for those who are introverted and could not speak publicly out loud, for them finding creativity can be an escape, just like the writing which became freedom for her. So true isn’t it? Obviously writing gives many of us a voice that we lack in reality.

But writing just for fun won’t make someone a great poet or writer. It needs a purpose and discipline. Her words, “slow progress still progress”, seems so relatable and this progress comes into the mainline if one is disciplined. Creativity requires discipline. Shilpa told us that she had in past let go of the ideas/words/poems that used to pop up into her brain in the middle of chores and being confident enough she didn’t note it down, they became nothing but regret. So, now she makes sure to note down them then and there in her journal which she maintains on her phone. So, one has to always be prepared for the catch and never letting go!

Journals and Notebooks keep Shilpa motivated. More than that, when she sees someone achieving their goal, it motivates her to work on hers. This is something very rare to come through in such a competitive world at present. But our vivid author has it all! Being selfless and being true to writings is her mantra to get noticed in the world where millions are writing. Being honest and loving what one is doing is the ultimate key to success.

Write prompts, a lot of them when your writing journey gives you a block on the way! Utilize your days in doing other artistic stuff when not writing. Those things that can open another window of your creativity and could take you back on your journey to kick off the block and start off with the writing again. Shilpa’s secret of conquering writer’s block is cooking! Take part in contests to enhance and uplift the writing skills. As these activities keep you going.

She is still on a journey with an unknown destination, Shilpa Goel is one of the few Instagram Poets who is making noise by breaking the biggest stigma that if one’s a writer he/she has to write and write. But actually, if one’s a writer, he/she should write because there is a strong desire and neverending love for writing.

This was a quick glance at the exclusive interview of Manasvi with The Uncommon Box. We hope you enjoyed reading it.
Get more of Shilpa’s writings at her Instagram page
Buy her book at “Poetic Letters To God”
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This article is written by Alisha Srivastava. You can find her writing on her Instagram. Follow her to read her writings.
This article is Curated by @frameshade. Follow him for his photography work
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