He decided to blend several influences into his entry- including Madhubani paintings, mono-printing, and pareidolia. Experimenting with acrylic paints, got him his ‘Eureka’ moment, and he was well on his way to creating something stupendous. He decided to represent the individual alphabets of Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Telegu, Malayalam, Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, Sinhalese, using the elephant as the leit motif in his designs. This was his brief for the contest:
My poster design shows different Asian languages designed as a playful elephant shaped font backed by colourful blocks that I designed to represent Diversity. I wanted to give an Indian feel to it with the representation of elephants. They are a symbol of stability and strength as well.
Do you have a passion you wish to share with us to showcase to the world? Let us be the platform you can use to reach out. Or if you know of anyone who deserves to be written about in our Be Inspired section, write into us at theuncommonbox@gmail.com mentioning Be Inspired in the subject line.
We encourage all kind of talented piece of work whether it’s a writeup’s, articles, poems, sketches, doodling, painting, food styling or about fashion or travelling or photography.
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