“What makes a picture good?”
There are various factors involved in making a picture look good.Once you enter the world of photography, you inevitably start noticing little things and intricate details and realize how beautiful the world is around you. It just changes your ways of looking at things in life.

The Uncommon Box is delighted to feature Anangsha Alomyan who has carved a niche for herself in the travel photography. Her journey in indentifying her interest in photography has been overwhelming with her near perfect shots which surely make her stand out among the rest.
Read on to learn from the experiences of this Uncommon artist – an immensely talented photographer!

Who – What – Why?
Anangsha Alomyan has been an excellent sports person since childhood – especially in athletics. She developed a special interest in photography during her 1st year in college. Her curiosity to know how a camera functions and about little details we capture beyond the lenses, motivated her to get a deeper understanding of photography.

Moral support:
“My mother always inspired me”, she says.“Seeing her capturing landscapes, portraits and street photographs, I was always exposed to photography and it had been a part of my life since childhood”.

She started her journey with a point and shoot camera and worked hard on clicking simple pictures of objects and people ensuring that the picture resulted from a good compositions. The encouragement and motivation from friends and family made her even more confident of pursuing this seriously and thus she embarked on the journey of photography concentrating on street, portraits, architecture and monochrome.

An eventful journey it has been:
Her journey as a travel photographer has been one hell of a roller coaster ride. “Upgrading from a point and shoot to a DSLR was an expensive affair.”
“Convincing my parents to buy a DSLR was tough, but necessary for me to upgrade my skills and move to the next level in photography. ”

Anangsha tried her hand at various genres in photography initially, but found her true calling in travel photography. She realized her passion in travel photography and travelled everywhere embedding special memories and stories with each picture.

Working pattern:
Her style of work varies from time to time. She prefers landscape but also loves to delve into clicking monochrome pictures along with street and portrait photography.

Starting from nowhere, Anangsha Alomyan has now travelled to most parts of India in the last one year – Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Chennai and many unexplored places in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. She has developed an immense love for hills and admires the beauty of the mountain ranges especially Himalayas. With each photograph, she discovers some cultural identity and gets to know about the diversity in language, caste, race and religion.

She believes that “every photographer is different in his/her own unique way, you cannot compare with others. Each one of them has its own style of work, their composition and the content.”

She takes pride in being a woman and taking up travel photography as a career. She wants to be the driving force and inspiration for many other aspiring budding photographers – especially women who want to take their passion to another level.

Words of advice
She believes that nothing is more important than doing what you love to do.
“If you have a passion for photography and love to travel, nothing can stop you. Just pour your energy and time in things you like to do, it will find a way and money will follow.”

We at The Uncommon Box want to congratulate Anangsha Alomyan in recognizing her passion and having confidence in her own ability. Travelling to various parts of India has been a wonderful experience for her capturing mountains, streets, and people from different states, cultures and identities. We wish her all the success and excellence in following her dreams to pursue in travel journalism.

Are you also someone who flips through the pages of a magazine and imagines yourself as a photographer someday? Take the first step to go out in this world and shoot. You may not be the best initially but you will definitely move up the ladder, Just take pictures and love every minute of it!!

You can follow her on her instagram handle : @thebrooklynomad
The content for this feature was developed by Tasneem Bharmal, in association with The Uncommon Box.
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