HomeBe InspiredArtistThe Interesting Insights Into The Mind Of An Artiste - Aparajita Barai

The Interesting Insights Into The Mind Of An Artiste – Aparajita Barai

“It is the endeavour of The Uncommon Box to bring to the forefront some of the most talented minds around us. We also like to delve into the mind of the artist to know exactly what helps create that uncommon artistic perspective that intrigues us.”

In this quest, we met up with Aparajita Barai, a graphic designer and artist, who is doing some very unusual work in her sphere. Armed with degrees from premier design institutes like NID (National Institute of Design) and the University of Westminster, Aparajita works on themes related to the roots of Indian culture. We were delighted to have a conversation with her and it was a revelation on what goes on in the mind of such a creative individual, whose constant source of inspiration remains Rabindranath Tagore and his songs.

The Interesting Insights into the Mind of an Artiste.
Aparajita Barai


“Aparajita’s body of work displays influences from different sources- especially folk and the intricate detailing found in traditional Indian art forms.”

Consequently, mythology and spirituality strongly flavours her work.

Mythology and spirituality predominantly mark her subject. Her motive and mission is to re-stir Indian spirituality and philosophy and present it with personal quest. She wishes to dig out the ancient treasures, meanings and possibilities that have gradually been overshadowed by ceremonial practices.

She has exhibited in Auroville, Pondicherry and Gurgaon and is currently working on her next series.

In her own words, ‘I was always fascinated with the folk paintings and Indian spiritual concepts have always intrigued me. Though these two ingredients were always present and were growing, they came together to become my style and subject much later after I completed my design studies and quite impulsively started to paint.

When questioned about what keeps her motivated to her passion, Aparajita revealed that the quest to get to the final outcome of all her thoughts and creativity is what is of greatest significance to her.

“It is the final outcome of a struggle to see more, hear more, feel more and become more.”

Every artist encounters a number of challenges on the journey they undertake.

The time versus money crisis is a very common one in the life of an artist, is what Aparajita rightly pointed out.

Hers is an interesting insight when she remarks that – ‘…one is not an artist only when he or she is working on the artwork.

“It is a constant preparation every day and through everything to be able to become that medium.’

“Discussing in length about her sources of inspiration, Aparajita talks about how Madhubani art has caught her imagination. She declares, ‘I like the layers of intricacy of the form within a form which reminds me of the layers in Indian story-telling of having story within a story. I like the imperfect lines and circles that in such humble ways become perfect when they come together.

“And each time I see those paintings, the colours and compositions instantly overwhelm me. I don’t have to stand in front of the painting for hours to appreciate. It’s so instant with its beauty that it surpasses my intellect and can capture me immediately.’”

The Interesting Insights into the Mind of an Artiste.
Aparajita Barai


Aparajita has begun a special initiative called Beloved India. It was started in 2015 with the aim to re-look at Indian culture and re-establish the understanding.

“Indian culture and philosophy is so vast and deep and it is sad how little is understood and even sadder how much is misunderstood. Through my artworks, workshops and projects through BELOVED INDIA it is my aim to once again make those concepts a living reality.’ This forms the crux of her dreams for herself.”

Aparajita believes, ‘An artist is a seeker of truth, a worshipper of purity and honesty. When this internal purification is connected with the external artwork that work becomes sacred, the process becomes a meditation and the artist becomes a yogi.’For her, the seeker of knowledge is also the seeker of truth and thus her artwork is also her endeavour to get to the truth.

We are sharing some of her artwork here, along with the thoughts that went into its making.


The goddess of wisdom here is represented in a non-godly way, as a humble, ordinary girl sitting by the lotus-pond beside the swans in her leisure.

“She represents the desire to know, to learn, to grow which cannot come without submitting oneself completely through humbleness.”

This is to find the Saraswati within own selves, recognize among the people we meet and become the Saraswati and evoke the thirst in each of us.

The Interesting Insights into the Mind of an Artiste.
Saraswati – Aparajita Barai



At the end of one “Kalpa” the Universe contracts and exists as potential. Vishnu represents the soul of the Universe. When he wakes up for the new beginning, the Universe gradually expands and takes many forms.

The “AnantShesha” or the endless headed serpent represents the endless narratives the Universe will uncoil into as it expands.”

Like a snake that was coiled up it will now uncoil and take forms. It is that moment when the uncoiling has just begun, Vishnu from his sleep has just woken up.

The Interesting Insights into the Mind of an Artiste.
Vishnu – Aparajita Barai



“Krishna” literally means “attraction”. That centre of energy and mystery, no matter which path you take, if you walk it right, he is that magnetic pull, where you will stand still, devoid of thoughts, in loss of intellect and words. And if you have been looking for him in a specific spot, this is to remind, he is everywhere.

“He is one with the nature, flowing with his music beneath every creation.”

Like a tree that draws water from its roots to give colours to its flowers, we are all drawing energy and life from that great source constantly, continually, eternally through lives after lives.

The Interesting Insights into the Mind of an Artiste.
Krishna – Aparajita Barai



The word Durga comes from “Durg” meaning fort. It is about building that strong base within own-self against which no evil thought can prevail.

“It is highly misunderstood when the evil is not considered within but outside.”

The evil here is shown as the projection of own-self being tracked and checked with an alert mind thus creating a calm outer self.

The Interesting Insights into the Mind of an Artiste.
Durga – Aparajita Barai



One represents the seeking of truth, the other represents the celebration of life. One represents indulgence, the other represents withdrawal. Though the material and the spiritual world apparently appear to be in contrast to one another, deeper understanding of either reveals it as reflection.

“The peacock at the peak of his realization looks at himself to find he is the swan. The swan when looks through the truth realizes, he is indeed the divine celebration.”

Krishna represents the “realized one” who can plunge in and out to play and pray and offer devotion as Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and truth is now revealed and the duality has become one.

The Interesting Insights into the Mind of an Artiste.
Swan and the Peacock – Aparajita Barai

You can find more of her work on the following links:

Website | FB Page

It was indeed a most interesting journey, full of insights into the mind of this extremely creative individual. One has to discover what one’s passion in life is, and follow a path that draws inspiration from it and nourishes it too.

Aparajita has begun her journey well, and we at The Uncommon Box wish her all success in her endeavours.

“Do you wish to share you work with us? Do write into us at theuncommonbox@gmail.com or use the submission link of our website to get through to us.”

We encourage all kind of talented piece of work whether it’s a writeup’s, articles, poems, sketches, doodling, painting, blogging, food styling or about fashion or travelling or photography.

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Team TUBhttps://theuncommonbox.com
The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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