HomeBe InspiredArtistLaughter Is Serious Business For Adhikaar Batra !

Laughter Is Serious Business For Adhikaar Batra !

The Uncommon Box delights in turning the spotlight on artists from different genres and providing them a platform to showcase their craft.

We are happy to present our Uncommon artiste Adhikaar Batra – who makes it his job to drive home many truths, using the most effective tool ever – humour.

Creator of the meme page Indians Say That, Adhikaar was extremely patient with all our questions and enthusiastically shared his experiences and views on what makes people laugh.

Laughter is serious business for Adhikaar Batra!
Adhikaar Batra

Adhikaar is a second year media student, a self-taught graphic designer, and in his own words a ‘decently okayish human being,’ from New Delhi, India.

He says, ‘In the false impression that my sense of humour is not that bad, I started this project called Indians Say That to get my lame jokes to reach more people in the form of designs and illustrations.’

Modest much? But at this time his page has an impressive count of 32K followers and a highest reach of 1.2 million people!

When asked about what got him started on this rather uncommon journey, Adhikaar reminisced that he realised that

“Visuals made a greater impact in expressing his thoughts, than the usual text jokes he used to post.”

He had begun studying graphics at college and decided to use it for greater reach and impact. The results spoke for themselves.

Laughter is serious business for Adhikaar Batra!
Adhikaar Batra!

For any artist, the creative process lies at the core of his being. Adhikaarworks on both spurts of inspiration and a dogged approach to make memes out of the socio-political scene around him.

Team TUB asked him to assess the sense of humour of the average Indian audience and the response to it was pretty heartening. With stand-up comic shows becoming more and more popular, and memes on social media going viral at the drop of a hat,

“The sense of humour of Indians is surely encouraging with increasing openness to satire and a preference for intelligent wit and humour.”

So how does Adhikaar gauge the ‘success’ of his memes ?

Laughter is serious business for Adhikaar Batra!
Adhikaar Batra

Well, there are markers such as number of likes, shares and the post engagement on the page. But there have been hilarious incidents when the meme he created came right back to him on his family Whatsapp group!


Adhikaar rues the absence of more ethical behaviour where creative content is concerned. The lack of sanctity of copyright rules is disconcerting.

So what are the dreams or future plans of this bright young mind?

Performance artist ? – we ask him.

Well, he is not sure though that genre does fascinate him.

At the moment his focus is on creating good content for his page and he is determined to continue belting out one good meme after another.

Laughter is serious business for Adhikaar Batra!
Adhikaar Batra

Meanwhile he finds time to involve himself in other activities like heading a campaign called ‘Barefoot Dreams’ in collaboration with an NGO for educating underprivileged children, and working on the campaign as the creative director.

He is also a PR Volunteer at Make a Difference, a member of Sarvasutra, the Art Society of Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Delhi. He has worked at various organisations like India Today, The Creative Key, Make a Difference as well.

We are sharing a few of his memes for your enjoyment.

Laughter is serious business for Adhikaar Batra!
Adhikaar Batra


Laughter is serious business for Adhikaar Batra!
Adhikaar Batra


Laughter is serious business for Adhikaar Batra!
Adhikaar Batra


Laughter is serious business for Adhikaar Batra!
Adhikaar Batra


Laughter is serious business for Adhikaar Batra!
Adhikaar Batra
Laughter is serious business for Adhikaar Batra!
Adhikaar Batra


Laughter is serious business for Adhikaar Batra!
Adhikaar Batra


Some of the designs he created for India Today –

When apps go sanskariCelAPPbrities

You can catch more of his work at the following links:

IndiansSaysThat | Twitter | Facebook Profile 

We, at Team TUB are sure that you will have definitely enjoyed reading about Adhikaar. Every artist, every talent needs encouragement and we must all do our bit to show our caring through sharing. Please do leave your valuable comments and write into us if you would like to feature yourself or someone you know in our Be Inspired section. Mail us or use the submission portal to send in your work to us.

Do you have a passion you wish to share with us to showcase to the world? Let us be the platform you can use to reach out. Or if you know of anyone who deserves to be written about in our Be Inspired section, write into us at theuncommonbox@gmail.com mentioning Be Inspired in the subject line.

We encourage all kind of talented piece of work whether it’s a writeup’s, articles, poems, sketches, doodling, painting, food styling or about fashion or travelling or photography.

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Team TUB
Team TUBhttps://theuncommonbox.com
The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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