My dearest Mommy,
How are you? I haven’t seen you for the longest time. It is not nice, you know, but Daddy keeps telling me we are going to be fine. I thought of writing you a letter and using that red balloon I got at KFC today – yeah I managed a whole kiddies’ meal for the first time! Daddy was happy!
“But Mommy, I miss the way you made my omelette, the way you folded my clothes, the way you combed my hair into tiny plaits.”
Daddy makes me my omelettes now, he folds my clothes after I showed him how I liked them (though he still can’t fold my long frocks right); he also tries combing my hair but I got it cut short to help him ease off the stress of trying to get it into a ponytail.
Mommy, we are practicing for the concert in school- Cinderella. Remember how we used to play ‘Pretend Pretend’? I was Cinderella and you were the Handsome Prince. But Miss chose me to be a tree in the forest scene. I know all the dialogues of Cinderella but I have to be a tree. Daddy says it is okay because I am the best tree in that huge forest and am very important. Back at home, I get to be Cinderella with him anyway. He is trying to be a good tree but keeps forgetting what to do!!!
Mommy, did you know that boy in my class? His name is Dev- he used to bully me in kindergarten remember? He is still in my class. He poked fun at my glasses on Monday during recess. I cried you know and missed you so much.
I wished you were there to hold me. When I came home, Daddy asked me why I had cried. I didn’t want to tell him, because he looked sad but he took me in his arms and gave me the biggest hug!!! I started laughing and told him about Dev. Mommy, you know what? Daddy took me to the room and made us stand in front of the mirror and said,
‘This is who I see- the most beautiful girl in the world with the best heart’.
I thought he was saying that for you, because we could see the reflection of your photograph in the mirror. But then I saw Daddy was looking at me and saying it.
Mommy, I am 7 years old now. Daddy says it’s an important number because you and Daddy met on the 7th day of the seventh month.
“I miss you Mommy.”
There are times I try to remember your face in my dream…but it gets a little blurry. I wake up feeling bad I can’t remember your face- do you get the same feeling too? Do you miss me? What do you do then Mommy?
Do you know what I do ? I just go looking for Daddy and cuddle up to him. I don’t have to tell him anything, like I didn’t have to tell you. He knows. And even if he is busy at his laptop, he swoops me into his arms and plants that kiss on my forehead and continues working.
I stare at his laptop and love his warm loving smell.
Then Mommy, I don’t miss you at all.
At school we are all making cards for Mothers’ Day.
I am making two.
Daddy has no clue- he will get his first Mothers’ Day card this year.
I love you Mommy but secretly, I love Daddy more.
With all my love,
This letter has been penned specially for the occasion of Mothers’ Day for all those special ‘mothers’ out there, who are doing the job of mothers so admirably without the gender tag of ‘mother’. We salute this love on this day as well.
This letter comes as an ‘uncommon’ tribute to the spirit of motherhood which can be discovered in the most ‘uncommon’ of places!
The Uncommon Box has invited love letters to Mothers on the occasion of Mothers’ Day this year. This invitation has brought in many gems of writing. Do read them in our Tales of a Life and Activities section too.
Do give us your valuable feedback on this write-up and the theme we have chosen. If you liked this upload, please feel free to share it on your timelines because as we say,
“Sharing is Caring and words, along with gestures do touch the heart!”
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