HomeMusingsMan and Woman = The Human Experience

Man and Woman = The Human Experience

Whenever we think of gender discrimination in our society, our first thought is of all the harassment a woman faces from her male counterparts. It’s natural isn’t it??

However, we at The UnCommon Box want you to know that even men are victims to blatant gender discrimination as well.

With our true belief in humanism that promotes equality for everyone, regardless of race, gender or sex…


we present the depiction of man-ism by our uncommon writer Arindam Ballav !

A 22 year old youthful and thought provoking person, Arindam pens down this poem on Man-ism, the grievances of a man taking into account the male point of view. Arindam is an aspiring dentist and is pursuing his studies at a dental college in Jamshedpur.

Man and Woman = The Human Experience


When he wears pink and is being mocked at for being a girl, that’s when he feels trodded.

When he cries and is ridiculed, that’s when he feels dejected.

When he has to take the entire load of his family not because he is a man but because he loves his family, that’s when Man-ism comes into play. 

When he sacrifices his seat for a lady who might be aged or pregnant, that’s when it is displayed.

When he protects his sister as a rakhee-brother irrespective of any blood relation, that’s when it shows.

When the youngest in the family hides behind him after her loot from the cookie jar, that’s when it blooms with love.

When he gets mocked more for being in love, that’s when it seems like a burden.

When he is judged for his salary, accessories and lifestyle, that’s when it gets devalued.

When he thinks for the meal of his wife, children’sand relatives rather than his own, that’s when it is called Manism. 

When the entire creed is blamed when a Woman gets raped, that’s when it gets dirtied.

When he is sexually harassed, he gets no news cover, no morchas, no justice, that’s when Manism rots in a brothel.

When a man stays outdoors under the pressure of heat and sun burns and yet compared for not being within the confinements of the four walls, that’s when Manism gets compared.

When a daughter draws a superhero with the image of her father in mind, that’s what is called Manism. 

When a brother is always his sister’s emergency contact, that’s what is called Manism.

“Stop this mockery of feminism and Manhood which makes society more like a circus !!”


“A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy…

A wise woman refuses to be anyone’s victim!!” – Maya Angelou

A woman is born to live for herself and not for you!

We are not the slaves in the houses, or a trophy to raise your credits in the society.

A woman is not defined by being fat, ugly, dark or moronic but emotional, beautiful and strong on the inside. She doesn’t have to show her qualities to prove her stand.

She’s is divine, tender and full of warmth!!

Man and Woman = The Human Experience
Anamika Makhija

Presenting to you, our young literature student Anamika Makhija, in her twenties trying to learn about the society, but through her own perspective. Caught between the outer chaos and the inner mess, a pen carried me away she says.

All my thoughts, my emotions were locked between the pages of my diary when one fine day, I finally decided to showcase them.

Beginning with the page The Smoking Words, a blend of youthful vision and an old-fashioned tradition – a 20 year old writer realized how enchantingly and majestically can words heal the soul not only of the writer but of the reader as well.

Because you are a woman

Standing at the bus stop, a girl was inappropriately touched by a man.

In the school, she was made fun for her unwaxed arms.

At a family function, she was taken to the extreme corner by one of her uncles.

She couldn’t stay out after 9:00 pm.

She was supposed to be covered.

She was told to ignore all those remarks made on her at the streets.

She was asked to turn her way if she saw a group of men standing.

She was made to learn how to bear all the embarrassment throughout her life.

Her breasts asked for it.

Her slender waist tempted you.

Her swaying hips made you drool over her.

And yes, those tops, skirts, shorts, jeans, suit, saree and anything used to cover her body (partially or completely), indicated you to peep through it.

It’s always the fault in the women that they do not know how to walk, talk or rather ignore for that matter, isn’t it?

Well! Her breasts made a new life feed upon her.

Her slender waist bent and rose up so many times, enduring all those traditional responsibilities.

Her hips swayed only because she is a human being and made of bones and muscles.

There is nothing to lust over, none at all. Stop blaming a woman for what she is wearing.

Her clothes are her choice and her choice doesn’t give you the right to judge her or to intrude into her personal space.

Whether she wears a top which is showing her cleavage or is cropped, whether her clothes are below or above knees, whether her clothes are body on or loose, whether she wears a bikini or a saree – it is completely her own choice. You don’t need to touch her (forcefully or inappropriately) to know how covered or uncovered she is. Stop keeping your eyes on them and start looking up to them.

Respect – not because they are women but because they are human beings, because they inhale and exhale the same air, because they bear so much everyday only because of their body parts.

It’s ridiculous to see how a bra strap makes you go all crazy. Yes, she is wearing a bra. You know why? Because it meant to be worn, just like all others wear their clothes because had she not be wearing one, you would only end up drooling more.

Different body parts are meant to differentiate between genders and not between the dignities. Just because a man wears a vest and a woman wears a bra, you can’t let that influence the individuality of any person.


Treating the woman with respect, being sensitive towards her feelings and listening and talking to her when she needs you is the best way a man can show respect to women. After all, she’s a precious creation carefully and delicately crafted by God!

We at The Uncommon Box strive to eradicate this discrimination entirely in order to be successful and progressive as a nation because everyone has the right to be heard. We want people to believe inequality because however differentiated we may be as a woman or man, ultimately we are all humans!

In this chaos called the life, we must constantly learn, unlearn, relearn, construct and find new ways to be better human beings. All of us have to start somewhere sometime so why not right here right now!

The Uncommon Box is doing its bit to bring into the spotlight issues of such sensitivity. Help us by sharing this awareness, to show you really care.


The content for this article was developed by Tasneem Bharmal in association with The Uncommon Box.

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Team TUBhttps://theuncommonbox.com
The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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