Deify him as the God of the Off-side, be over awed by the sheer sense of his royalty and call him Prince of Calcutta, or regard him as the hero you look up to calling him simply Dada – Sourav Ganguly is one such individual for whom most adjectives fall short.
It is our privilege at The Uncommon Box that he kindly acquiesced to our request for an interview and answered our queries so patiently, while on tour for the ongoing Champions Trophy in England and Wales!
There are heroes amongst us, and then there is Sourav Ganguly- always a class apart.

But this special presentation by The Uncommon Box is not just about the incredible statistics of his career, but much more.
It is an in-depth insight into what makes a hero, what makes Sourav Ganguly so inspiring a persona.
The euphoria of hearing his voice at the other end of the line will remain for a while, or the delight at receiving his mail with answers to our questionnaires is unparalleled- you know why? Because at every interaction, he came across as an impeccably warm and courteous individual. Say a lot about the man, doesn’t it?
So, here is the special conversation in words we had with him:
#TUB : How do you keep yourself inspired – on and off the field?
Sourav: The love for the game keeps me going. This love comprises passion, commitment, faith, discipline and countless hours of sweat and toil perfecting one’s game.
The answer may sound simple- but here is what his love for the game made him achieve-
- Sourav is only cricketer to win four consecutive man of the match awards in One Day Internationals.
- He is the eighth highest run-scorer in ODI history and second among the Indians, with 11,363 runs.
- Sourav is the second fastest batsman to reach 9,000 ODI runs.
- He belongs to the elite club of five cricketers to have achieved the unique treble of 10,000 runs, 100 wickets and 100 catches in ODI cricket.
- Sourav Ganguly is India’s most successful Test captain overseas, winning 11 out of 28 matches that he led.
Those of us who have followed Sourav’s career closely, know there are more mind blowing numbers to quote.
But we want to turn your focus to the man, his mind and soul that blazed its trail on the 22 yards and the vast greens surrounding it.
“It takes more than love to sustain a career that is so inspiring. It takes grit and an indomitable spirit.”
In our own lives, these qualities of determination and passion for one’s work can wrought masterpieces out of plain marble. It matters little WHAT we do for a living, HOW we do it is what counts.
#TUB : What has been your coping mechanism for dealing with stressful situations and when things seemed difficult?

Sourav : It is all about preparation…You visualise difficult situations of the future, train or prepare accordingly so that when the day of reckoning comes, you are ready.
In a country where Cricket is religion, matches become wars in which, besides the skill and expertise of the player, the temperament of the player is put to test.
Remember those nail biting matches- which went right down to the wire? Now imagine yourself as the Captain of the side, leading from the forefront, with the entire nation watching your every move, every tactic- it is definitely stress at its highest level!
“But if you have spent quiet hours working at your game, thinking 5 steps ahead of your opponent, evaluating the options for coping with difficult situations, you would know you have every chance to win, because you have prepared yourself.”
This is how records are created, broken and legends born.
In our own common lives as well, we can strive to be Uncommon- it all depends on one’s approach towards the challenges and difficulties that beset your path; and keeping yourself karma-oriented is the only key to success.
#TUB : What is your simple mantra for staying focused to your dream?

Sourav: My mantra is to love the job you do…it should not be a job where you just turn up…so do the job you love and pursue it and give everything you have.
Love what you do and you will never have to ‘work’ a day in your life- is a famous saying. If we love what we do, we will remove all stops in our path to give our best to it. When the emotional investment is much more, the mind and body follow too. Injuries, setbacks, losses, unhealthy politics cannot suppress a determined soul from doing what it loves.
Sourav’s career has seen many milestones but it has also seen difficult times. He has always managed to walk through these trials and emerge stronger than ever.
And what is that one lingering image of this man we all recall- well that footage from 2002, after India’s victory over England in the NatWest Series,
“when a jubilant Sourav took off his shirt and waved it in the air to celebrate victory at Lord’s.”
Recall the hours you spent in studying for the entrance exam, making that scrap book for the class project, or knitting the sweater for your baby, or trying out a new recipe in the kitchen? That was you- the hero in you, who took charge of your destiny, and created it. Mariah Carey’s famous classic ‘Hero’, speaks about discovering the heroic in you and letting it show. We can, if we want to.
#TUB : What makes it worth all the sweat and hard work you have put in for countless years and hours?
Sourav : It’s about job satisfaction…how happy you are with your efforts. Then it’s also achievements that make one’s Life fruitful and meaningful. Then when you come to the end of your career, you can say I have achieved what I want.
For the record, Sourav’s on field achievements are being seamlessly replaced by accomplishments off the field, the most recent being him appointed as the honourable President of the Cricket Association of Bengal and President of the Editorial Board with Wisden India. Of course, he is a favourite commentator with Star Sports, his command over the language and the game making for a brilliant partnership for all cricket lovers.
It is very crucial for each one of us to know what we want from life and get around to achieving it. Successes and failures will cross our path but we need to keep striving, to leave no scope for regrets in the future. And of course, adapting one’s talent in various ways is also the sign of a creative mind. Never underestimate your ability to mould yourself according to the requirements of the changing environment, without compromising on who you are.
#TUB : What pushes you to keep on working till the end?
Sourav : It is the special connect I have with the game that has kept me at it. It has been my endeavour to give of my best always, for my country and the game.
The special feeling of donning that cap for the country, and leading the pack of 12 determined men, waiting to play for the country, amidst a humungous stadium filled with cheering spectators chanting ‘India India’- is unparalleled! He stands tall today for all he has done for cricket and India.
And here is Sourav Ganguly’s three point mantra for all at The Uncommon Box:
- Life has to be meaningful.
- Every profession has to be pursued till the end- without complacency or over confidence.
- Turn up at your job thinking ‘I will be the best in it’ and do everything you can to achieve it!
Winner of the Padma Shree, India’s most successful Test Captain especially In terms of victories overseas, Sourav has mentored many of the cricketers still pursuing their careers today. He has given the game more than records and statistics- he is credited for metamorphosing the often passive and tame Indian team, into a pack of roaring tigers, not afraid to fight back and win.
This is the hallmark of a leader- who nurtures a new generation with encouragement and inspiration.
It is not enough for us just to praise what we see in personas such as Sourav, but emulating his example in our own lives will be the legacy of his Uncommon brand of heroism.
As a special tribute from us, we wish to dedicate the poem ‘IF’ by Rudyard Kipling to the hero in Sourav Ganguly.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
The Uncommon Box would once again like to thank Sourav Ganguly for taking time off his schedule to talk to us. It was indeed a real honour.
We invite you to leave your words for Captain Courageous in the comments section and we will surely convey them to him.
Special acknowledgements to Sana Ganguly for all her cooperation and enthusiasm
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