HomeMusingsArt Tales9 Art Tales Proving That The Beauty Of What We Love, Is...

9 Art Tales Proving That The Beauty Of What We Love, Is What We Should Do

The perspective that an artist brings to our mundane view of life, is a gift in itself. That is why it is rightly said that Earth without Art, is just ‘EH’!

“Meet our Uncommon artist Akshayaa Selvaraj, an architect by profession and a designer by passion.”

She not only creates doodles and illustrations but also paints, sculpts and explores all the creative mediums ‘to deliver happiness and love.

Brought up in a traditional Tamilian family, Akshayaa found herself free to express her creativity. The elements that blended into her environment found their way into her psyche and emerged as incredible works of art.

Myths and stories from her grandparents, tales from the city streets and different expressions of people, as well as a general sensitivity to the world around her, have had a major influence on her conceptual theme of illustration. Having studied architecture in Chennai, her eye for detailing is also reflected in her artwork, which is her signature style.


The journey began in a rather interesting manner:

After completing her architectural degree, Akshayaa had the opportunity to restore an antique wooden ink stand and cloth hanger. She started doodling on wooden artefacts and restored a book shelf using the concept of a storybook.

That turned out to be a life-changing moment- there was no turning back ever after that. Being self-taught, she followed her Uncommonstyle and did not imitate the conventional!!!

She eventually began a Facebook page dedicating her doodles to her loved ones by expressing gratitude and memories through doodles.

Gradually, it became a powerful habit of doodling her favourite Rumi quotes and delivering them to the people who believe it to be inspirational.

Her favourite Rumi quote says,

“Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do”

Her journey and goal is to create peaceful, inspirational, overflowing happy hearts through her art and illustration.

Akshayaa has shared 9 of her lovely works on this forum, each one propelled by a powerful thought from Sufi mystic Rumi. These art tales are powerful messages to those who need to hear them. They are amazing in their intricacy, colour palette and of course, poignancy.


#1 ‘The cure for the pain is in the pain.’

9 Art Tales Proving That The Beauty Of What We Love, Is What We Should Do.
Credits : Akshayaa Selvaraj

As incredulous as it may sound, the remedy for pain does lie at its root. Akshayaa has beautifully depicted a pregnant lady, whose gut wrenching labour pain is redeemed by the new life she delivers into the world. It is one of the most beautiful ironies of this world. She says, ‘Love and Pain go hand in hand-You never understand life until it grows inside you.’


#2 ‘Put your foot strong on your dreams and release them to the universe- they will come true.’

9 Art Tales Proving That The Beauty Of What We Love, Is What We Should Do.
Credits : Akshayaa Selvaraj

Paolo Coelho’s words from The Alchemist finds an echo in this beautiful depiction. Dancing feet, moving to the cosmic rhythm is symbolic of the way we can tap into the power of our dreams and make them come true.


#3 ‘I will whisper secrets into your ear, Just nod yes and be silent.’

9 Art Tales Proving That The Beauty Of What We Love, Is What We Should Do.
Credits : Akshayaa Selvaraj

These words possess multiple layers of interpretation. Lovers, Rumi had said, do not find each other- they are in each other before they even realize it. There are secrets of the universe the mystic gets to hear, because he has surrendered his soul to the Divine. This powerful thought has been depicted through intricacy and great artistry by Akshayaa.


#4 ‘Respond to every call that excites your spirit.’

9 Art Tales Proving That The Beauty Of What We Love, Is What We Should Do.
Credits : Akshayaa Selvaraj

The Uncommon Box is thrilled to share this artwork because it is one of the founding principles of our community. Do more of what you love and you will never go wrong. Responding to the call that awakens your spirit is getting in touch with whatever excites your passion. That is the secret of happiness in this universe.


#5 ‘What you seek, is seeking you.’

9 Art Tales Proving That The Beauty Of What We Love, Is What We Should Do.
Credits : Akshayaa Selvaraj

Truer words have not been spoken. One of the most quoted lines from Rumi, these words indicate that if you are on a sincere quest, your destination will arrive. If you seek positivity, happiness in life, it will come your way. You need to just keep believing.


#6 ‘When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.’

9 Art Tales Proving That The Beauty Of What We Love, Is What We Should Do.
Credits : Akshayaa Selvaraj

There is nothing that can substitute the sheer joy of accomplishing something you love to do. The hours you work, the effort you undertook, the sacrifices you make seem insignificant, and all you feel is undiluted happiness, which has the force of a mighty river.


#7 ‘Out beyond ideas of wrong doingand right doing there is a field. I will meet you there.’

9 Art Tales Proving That The Beauty Of What We Love, Is What We Should Do.
Credits : Akshayaa Selvaraj

In Life, morality is not what society imposes on you. It is deeply connected to the human experience. What the world in its limited perception may term as wrong, maybe the most beautiful experience shared by two people. The mystic looks for a life  beyond the condemnation of this narrow minded world. So does Akshayaa in this brilliant artwork.


#8 ‘It is your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, But no one can walk it for you.’

9 Art Tales Proving That The Beauty Of What We Love, Is What We Should Do.
Credits : Akshayaa Selvaraj

We are all pilgrims, on this journey of life. Each one has to bear the cross allotted to him. Friends, family, may sympathise with you but you have to make this journey by yourself.


#9 ‘If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.’

9 Art Tales Proving That The Beauty Of What We Love, Is What We Should Do.
Credits : Akshayaa Selvaraj

The famous song by Coldplay says something like this as well- ‘and lights will guide you home’- this light is one of belief, trust, hope and unwavering conviction.

It will burn through the darkest days of one’s life and make sure one has reached where he is meant to be.


These 9 tales by Akshayaa are evocative and leave a deep impact on whosoever ponders on them.

Art tells stories, recreates memories, cherishes dreams, heals hearts and spreads the universal love. Akshayaa Selvaraj, has found her brush strokes to be the answer to all the creativity and love she can bestow!

We commend her on her sheer talent and altruistic motive.

You can find more of her work on:

Facebook | Instagram | Blog


The content for this feature was developed by Meghna Bhattacharya, in association with The Uncommon Box.


Do you love to draw, paint, sketch, doodle, illustrate? Share your art tales with us on The Uncommon Box at theuncommonbox@gmail.com mentioning Tales of a Life in the subject line or use the Submit Your Story option on the website.

? Follow us @theuncommonbox and hashtag us #theuncommonbox on your uploads to be specially  featured on our community on Instagram and on Facebook Group and Facebook Page.

? Our platform curates quality content from all genres of creativity – we invite writersartistsfashion followersstylistsphotographersperformance artistsbloggerslifestylistsFood Lovers – anyone with a passion for making their dreams come true. We are a forum sincerely dedicated to the promotion of all spheres of creativity. You can be a professional or an amateur – you can be anyone starting your hobby a fresh! All that matters is your creative spark! So join us today and live the Uncommon life!




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Team TUB
Team TUBhttps://theuncommonbox.com
The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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