HomeBe InspiredArtistA Dream To Fly High By Swadhin

A Dream To Fly High By Swadhin

 Udein, khule aasman mein khwabon ke parindey
Ude, dil ke jahaan main khaabon ke parinday

The above lines aptly depict the life of our Uncommon artist Swadhin Ganguly. He not only floated by grasping a paddle but also started delving into uncharted waters in this beautiful river we call – Life.

Our team at The Uncommon Box caught him in this candid session where he confessed being stuck in a bubble from where he branched out to explore and endure his struggle to his destination of the ‘Dream Job’. Belonging to a middle-class Bengali family, he stepped out of his comfort zone to experience new things. The dreamer inside propelled him to scribble in black on white paper which in turn helped him to shape those aspirations in two dimensional form.


The Journey to his Destination :

Even though his interest in art developed right from childhood days, his passion became an obsession about 5 years back. Swadhin, who indulged with his passion on regular occasions along with his siblings, now wishes to pursue this professionally. Sometimes he feels helpless, as this process requires a lot of perseverance and patience. In his words he says

It’s a process that every artist goes through during their career. We all draw something, somewhere at some point of time in our lives. Drawing is nothing but an art of moving your color pencil over a medium at your will”
A Dream To Fly High By Swadhin!
Credits : Swadhin Ganguly

He firmly believes that one must “learn to give, not to fake”. He feels gratified, if he could impart whatever he has learnt to everyone else!!



A Dream To Fly High By Swadhin!
Credits : Swadhin Ganguly

Although Swadhin doesn’t rely much on any particular motivation factor, he wishes to draw and feel what makes him happy.

My every little emotion makes me scribble on a paper. It’s easier to draw what I feel I wish to when I’m happy, but it takes a lot while in an emotional state, the other way around” he confesses.


What Inspires Him :

A Dream To Fly High By Swadhin!
Credits : Swadhin Ganguly

During his 11th grade, he visited the Academy of Fine Arts Gallery and hoped that one day people would come to visit his work displayed there. He was largely inspired by his teachers, friends, siblings and few others as well. In today’s age of social networking, he is motivated to find there are few sections of people who are completely devoted to different art forms like painting, writing, photography, singing without spending much time on social media platforms.


What keeps him going :

Unlike everyone else, Swadhin doesn’t bank much on the mainstream ‘motivation’.

A Dream To Fly High By Swadhin!
Credits : Swadhin Ganguly

Every single emotion, every little moment makes me feel like putting that on paper. These little momentary touches simply keep me motivated


Hurdles in the journey !

A Dream To Fly High By Swadhin!
Credits : Swadhin Ganguly

Swadhin contracted Hepatitis-B two years back. Knowing that he will need medicines for years to recover, he wishes to live for every other common man. He expresses every bit of his pain through his work. In the face of chronic pain and illness, he fights for his purpose in life through his art forms.

I have to conquer day in and day out. There’s no other way out”.


What made him choose this field?

A Dream To Fly High By Swadhin!
Credits : Swadhin Ganguly

Swadhin loves every bit of his work, from a Bengali cartoon strip to Durgapuja pandal, a concrete road-way or graffiti on a wall.

“For him the medium is not important, rather than its expression.”


Dreams in life:

A Dream To Fly High By Swadhin!
Credits : Swadhin Ganguly

“I dream about myself within a room, full of colors that don’t restrict me in boundaries, where none would direct me to do something against my will. I love to be in a place where I could draw whatever I wish, where I could express myself and feel beloved, too”


Words of Advice:

A Dream To Fly High By Swadhin!
Credits : Swadhin Ganguly

 Things that you learn in your childhood do influence your success as an adult. Often we hear people saying ‘I used to draw quite well, while I was young, but don’t get time, these days’. Swadhin fails to understand this reaction, if a person has learnt to ride a bicycle in his early childhood and still is able to do that at a later stage in life without any fuss than why can’t he draw a line on a paper which he learnt long ago ?

A Dream To Fly High By Swadhin!
Credits : Swadhin Ganguly

Swadhin’s words of advice to our budding artist are “To be passionate about whatever art form they work in. Expression of your dreams must be the key note to a singer / painter / writer or anyone who loves to bring some stuff in existence on this planet by her/his own

Many of us unlike Swadhin, struggle with our idea of a ‘Dream Job’. We at The Uncommon Box urge you to take the plunge, do whatever it takes, be it research, sharing your ideas or putting yourself in situations where you can ask yourself ‘Is this something I like to do?’.

A Dream To Fly High By Swadhin!
Credits : Swadhin Ganguly
Give new dimension to your hobbies by trying to look deeper at things that motivate you in life.

Team ‘The Uncommon Box’ wishes Swadhin, a truly talented person plenty of sunshine on his way up to a brighter life!


The content for this article was developed by Tasneem Bharmal in association with The Uncommon Box.

If you have your thoughts and musings which you wish to share, Write into us attheuncommonbox@gmail.com mentioning Musings- Poetry in the subject line, or use the Submit your storyoption on the website.

We encourage all kind of creative work whether articles, poems, sketches, doodling, painting, food styling or about fashion or travelling or photography.

If you are on instagram follow us @TheUncommonBox and use our hashtag #TheUncommonBox for the same.

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Team TUBhttps://theuncommonbox.com
The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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