It is the endeavor of “The Uncommon Box” to encourage the spirit of collaboration amongst artistes using different genres to express themselves. The C3 Community project was born out of this mind set. The Collaborate, Create and Communicate project fosters bonds of creativity amidst the artiste community.
The Uncommon Box threw a Writer’s Challenge to four members who had expressed their interest in this line of collaboration. We gave them this visual captured by one of our members Biswarup Pahari
The results, which came in the form of four separate poetic compositions, were extremely encouraging.
It makes for wonderful reading especially when you realize how one single image generates various interpretations and expressions from different creative minds.
We are sharing these four creations with happiness and delight.
The first poem has been composed by MUSKAN SALUJA

The next poem is by RWITIKA GHOSH

The following poem was composed by MELITO SALDANHA

Our fourth collaborator is SUHASINI THAKUR

We do hope you enjoyed these creative compositions.
Do leave our artistes your invaluable feedback.
We encourage all kind of talented piece of work whether it’s a writeup’s, articles, poems, sketches, doodling, painting, food styling or about fashion or travelling or photography.
If you have a poem to share, please feel free to write into us mentioning POETRY in the subject line.
If you are on instagram follow us @TheUncommonBox and use our hashtag#TheUncommonBox for the same.
You can reach us on FB Page too by following our page “THE UNCOMMON BOX”. and can tweet@THEUNCOMMONBOX