HomeInsight TUBActivitiesReading Humans - Human Library Mumbai

Reading Humans – Human Library Mumbai

The concept of a library usually involves choosing a book and then losing oneself amidst its pages, absorbing the words, emotions and thoughts that are embossed onto those once lifeless pages, now animated with characters and plot.

The Uncommon Box chanced upon the concept of the Human Library and this story took off from there. We found out that more than a decade ago, the entire concept of a book underwent a change when the Human Library Organisation initiated a revolutionary movement. Begun as an anti-violence initiative by Ronni Abergel in Denmark, this has become a revolutionary movement as it has metamorphosed into a platform for discussion and conversations sans bias.

The concept itself
“Don’t judge a book by its cover!”
The Human Library use this as their anthem and their founding value!
It is a place where real people as “books” are on loan to readers, and the books and readers can engage in a discussion to answer questions, converse and learn the new points of view.


Photography : REWA PEDNEKAR

Human Library events have taken place in India in multiple cities, the most famous ones being Hyderabad and Indore.


Human Library Mumbai (HLM) began in April 2017 as the Mumbai arm of the Human Library organization.

At the centre of this hub, is the super enthusiastic Andaleeb Qureshi, who has taken it upon herself to organise the first ever Human Library event on 28th May at a bookstore in Bandra called Title Waves.

Human Library Mumbai


It is astounding to know that Andaleeb took upon this idea as recently as April this year, while on a sabbatical from work.

One has just got to talk to Andaleeb to catch onto that contagious enthusiasm that has driven her to take upon this incredible albeit daunting task.

“We caught up with her, in all her hustle and bustle, to get a glimpse into the hectic behind the scenes story of the first every Human Library event in Mumbai.”


Once upon a time in Mumbai…

A curious Andaleeb found herself googling a picture connected to the Human Library movement. And she was very interested in the entire concept. She connected with Ronni in Denmark and decided Mumbai definitely needed an event like this. In her words,

Mumbai being a thriving metropolis with people from various cultures, religions, occupations is one of the most diverse cities in India! Here, everyone has a story to tell. This city is the epitome of embracing diversity and so it becomes the best place to hold a classroom without walls.


How does it work?

HLM works towards creating personal dialogue between a ‘BOOK’ and a ‘READER’. Just like any public library, we have ‘BOOKS’ or people who are at the brim of prejudices and we have ‘READERS’- people who are willing to challenge their mental frameworks and listen to their respective books. We tap into various boxes of prejudices like sexuality, occupation, lifestyle, religion, culture etc.

On a decided day a “reader” comes into the library and gets a library card which directs him to his “book”.

A reader has the experience of listening to someone’s life story first hand, take in the roller-coaster of emotions ranging from hard hitting grit,, successes, failures, hopes and the list goes on. It leaves a life changing impact on the reader and the book.  They discuss the topics that you wouldn’t talk about at a supermarket or family dinners.


Who is it for?

EVERYONE and ANYONE. Anyone who is lifelong learner. Anyone who is brave enough to challenge their judgments of others and of things that we merely don’t understand. Anyone who is looking to broaden their perspective and open their minds to things that people find comfort in running away from.

It is also for people who face these judgments and feel the need to let others know their story. It is for people who understand the challenges of being boxed in and want to fight for their respective boxes.


What is the outcome?

A change. A change in perspectives or thinking or attitude or acceptance or even just silent tolerance of the “other”, of the side that we may not be able to understand. The main aim that HLM strives to achieve is driving away the several invisible prejudices that separate us.



Andaleeb is toiling night and day for this event with her pack of 8 dedicated team members :

“Nicky Mansuri, Sharaf Zaidi, Priya Dabholkar, Priyanka Pimpale, Shailaja Nakhare, Surmeet Kaur, Shruti Nair, Sahiban Crasto and Suvarna.”

HLM is scheduled to take place every month in the city at the same book store.

More information on upcoming events and for registration as ‘Books’ or ‘Readers’ is available on their Facebook page @humanlibrarymumbai.

They can also be reached at humanlibrarymumbai@gmail.com or 79000190397


We at ‘The Uncommon Box’ are delighted to be associated with such an uncommon venture and surely wish it all the very best.

The Uncommon Box welcomes associations and collaborations with such events. If you do have such an event, do contact us and let us share your work and initiative on this forum. Use the Submit Your Story on our website www.theuncommonbox.com to write into us or email us at theuncommonbox@gmail.com.

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Team TUBhttps://theuncommonbox.com
The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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