HomeMusings5 Nano Tales from Life

5 Nano Tales from Life

Presenting 5 power packed nano tales – each conjuring up a world of images and emotions.

That is the power of words.

That one can say so much, in so few words is amply indicated by these 5 profound nano tales penned by our Uncommon writer Meghna Bhattacharya.


5 nano tales
Meghna Bhattacharya



5 nano tales
Meghna Bhattacharya



5 nano tales
Meghna Bhattacharya



5 nano tales
Meghna Bhattacharya


5 nano tales
Meghna Bhattacharya


These tales have beautifully captured so many nuances of life and living. We  hope you enjoyed reading these nano tales. They are filled with life itself in every alphabet.

The writer Meghna Bhattacharya is from Kolkata, presently completing her Masters in English. She likes reading, watching movies and exploring new places. A sip of coffee always helps her to relieve those stress levels. She says, ‘For me writing is empowering, a way of expressing my thoughts and emotions and not just because it’s fun to get into that creative vein but also be amazed by the richness of it. The motto which I follow is to just start writing. Anything. Just write and let it flow. Following my heart and music is what inspires me a lot to write.’

Follow her on Instagram @meghs.meghna

Do you wish to submit your nano tales on our forum? Write into us at theuncommonbox@gmail.com mentioning Nano tales in the subject line.

We encourage all kind of talented piece of work whether it’s a writeup’s, articles, poems, sketches, doodling, painting, food styling or about fashion or travelling or photography.

If you are on instagram follow us @TheUncommonBox and use our hashtag#TheUncommonBox for the same.

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Team TUB
Team TUBhttps://theuncommonbox.com
The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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