It is Mothers’ Day already and here is our Sixth and last part of the series The Uncommon Box is running.
The feelings in these letters are equally intense and touching. The tribute to the essence of motherhood from The Uncommon Box continues in this special series.
“They say ‘Life does not come with a manual- it comes with a mother.’ How true are these words!”
The next little note is from Ariyana Sharma, who celebrates the faith her mother has in her, which is the backbone of her existence.

“Telling a mother to not worry about her child is like telling the wind not to flow”.
You have always been my strength. You have been my light whenever darkness surrounded me. You have given up so much that you loved because you wanted me to be happy with the things I liked.
You believed in me; even with so many flaws you love me unconditionally. Never once you made me feel hopeless. I salute you Maa. I love you so much. Thank you for never giving up on me. I promise that I won’t ever give up on you.
With love,
The bond between a mother and a child goes through many changes over the years. The next letter traces some of those moments as Meghna Bhattacharya writes special lines for her mother.

My Dear Beloved Mother,
Thank you!!
Thank you for being there in my life helping me out with each and everything I did. You are the angel of my life, my support system and my strength who has always wrapped me in her innocence and protected me from a world with so much sin. You have been my biggest fan in every single stage of my life and I couldn’t ask for a better cheerleader.
“You are the first word I learnt in my life, first one to hold me in her arms, first one to be kissed and first one to be loved.”
Maa, for all the times I didn’t thank you -maybe because I was young, busy or just didn’t find words to express, today I want to thank you for all you have done for me. As I am growing older now I realize how important you are to me and the importance of the immense support you have given to me. There were times when I felt like I was broken, you then showered your love just like a “fresh shower for the thirsty flower”. Of all the gifts life has given to me you are the most precious one. Words are not enough for the unconditional love I have for you.
I may not like you always. We may have arguments and fights sometimes. But there is one thing that you should that I Love You always and forever and that will keep on increasing as I grow older.
With love,
Your daughter,
Mothers often find themselves facing angry children who do not understand why they are being scolded for something. It takes some years and maturity to understand the tough love of a mother, who will never hesitate to take to firmness if it is in the interest of the child. Kanupriya Soni has something to tell her mother about this.

Dear Maa,
I want to thank you for giving me such a beautiful life.
I want to thank you for making me a good human being.
I want to thank you for taking my side when the whole world is against me.
I want to thank you for loving me and for everything you have done.
My ‘thank you’ isn’t enough for your sacrifice. But I will try my best to make you proud every second, to make you smile.
Whatever I am today I owe you Maa.
I owe my life to you.
Years ago I remember saying that my Papa is my hero maybe because you were punishing me for my mistakes that time. But now I realise, you was doing best for me. You were punishing me so that I did not repeat the mistake and hurt myself in any manner.
So thank you for letting me know my weakness and strength.
My sun shines when you smile.
You are my hero, you are my inspiration, and you are my life.
I love you Maa
Veenu ki Kanu.
To Chirayu Writer, his mother is Super Woman and he can’t have enough of saying how much he loves her. At the end of it all, this is all that matter, isn’t it?

“Happy Mother’s Day”
She fought for us against the world.
She stands for us against the people.
She sacrifices for us her life,
She still continues to inspire us every day, every time.
She is the most important Person, who is a friend, teacher, love and a Goddess of everyone’s life.
Mother is the name we call her by,
I call her “Super Woman”.
My mother is my life,
My mother is my love,
My mother is my Shadow,
My mother is my Role model,
My mother is my Inspiration,
My mother is my Idol,
My mother is my best friend,
My mother is everything to me,
Today what I am is because of my mother,
For me my mother is everything.
“To you mother,
Thank you for everything, words will never measure the love you have given to me.
Love you,
Thank you!’
Manvi Sharma compares her mother to the sail of her boat of life, a chariot entrusted with the task of guidance by God himself. A fitting tribute in words to the role played by the mothers.

The powerful wind held me close to your heart,
The unbearable pain made me cry your name,
Days and years will pass by,
But the kindness will never die.
Along the surprises
And, the sacrifices made
Giving the reflection of pride and honour,
To my boat, you will be my only sail.
Showing the path of eternity,
You are the lead in every team,
Keeping us away from the negativity,
You shine like the sun in black clouds.
From the first step to the last breath,
Even in the distress,
I will always remember you
As one energetic colourful soul.
The world sees you as a saviour
God trusts you as his chariot
And, I bow down to you
As my loving mother.
Love you,
The banner artwork by SPARSHA PANDA
The artwork is used in Chirayu Letter by Samantha Vogelsang
Showing people we care does not need a reason or a season. So here we are at The Uncommon Box providing the perfect platform to say what you wanted to and could not for the longest time!
Wishing your mother and all the mothers of the world, beyond barriers of nationality and gender,
“A Happy Mothers’ Day!”
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