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How To Be Funny And Inspiring – The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma

Random doodlings with a whacky sense of humour on paper have been transformed into sheer art by our Uncommon artiste Neha Sharma, and it is the sheer delight of The Uncommon Box to feature this fun-loving and superbly talented artist.

It seems Neha captures these whimsical characters and fleeting thoughts on paper and that is where such antics in her mind find their final form. Here is the inspiring story of someone who turned her passion into her profession.

We recently caught up with her to know more about her journey that led her to become a full-time doodle artist, her inspiration, and challenges and practical advice for other aspiring artists.

How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma

Neha Sharma – popularly known as Neha Doodles, an illustrator, and social media influencer, has been doodling for as long as she can remember.

Her artwork is a mixture of objects, patterns, cartoons and funny characters with a plot that turns into a unique and quirky blend of a crazy storyline. She draws anything that inspires her and revolves around day to day life.

How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma


The beginning of her journey and passion for doodling:

Initially I started with drawing random artworks, song lyrics and writing in different styles of calligraphy”, she says.

While pursuing her career in Chartered Accountancy, she once drew an illustration of her favourite artist Honey Singh. This was selected to be featured in a news paper publication in Kolkata and that made her really popular.

“My artwork was appreciated and I started getting calls from designers who wanted to use my artwork on their projects. This is when I realized, I could do this for a living!”

How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma


How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma


Her motivation:

Few of us are lucky enough to get to do a job that we are in love with!

This witty and charming self taught artist has no qualms in admitting that she was more motivated when her work was applauded and made her realize she could earn a living from her passion for drawing and doodling. She eventually metamorphosed into a vibrant doodle artist by trying to depict and play with various different ideas.

That’s when she was set about taking up her dream job!

How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma


How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma


Her Inspiration:

Neha says, “My mother has been my biggest inspiration and the strongest woman I know.

My second biggest inspiration is Lilly Singh aka iisuperwomanii. She inspired me to hustle like a bawse. And also the fact that no dream is fulfilled without hard work.”

How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma
She seldom plans ahead and always tries her hand at something different and is influenced by anything she can lay her hands on and then makes sense of it. Her doodles are very creative, cute and out of the box with a tinge of sarcastic humor thrown in for the people who follow her and eagerly wait for her next doodle.
How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma


What inspires her to make a particular doodle?

How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma
“My doodles are basically my visual journal.
When I am happy I draw about it.
When I am sad I draw about it.
When I am anything in between I draw about it.
Once the idea is conceptualized the drawing doesn’t take enough time”.
How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma


What are some of the challenges she faces as an artiste?

“The fact that people don’t understand and comprehend my work, sometimes just makes me wonder! People always underestimate the work that I do and the kind of effort I put in into each of my art work.

Also, they fail to acknowledge that I do this for a living and rather not just as a time-pass hobby. It’s time they started treating me and my work with some respect and seriousness.”

How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma


Plans and dreams for the future:

How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma

Although she has many plans and dreams to fulfill like everyone else, she truly believes that one day she will write her own Graphic Novel with some cute and quirky characters inspired by cartoons and scribbles.

How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma


Her piece of advice forother budding artists:

Don’t underestimate your talent and worry about your style. It will come eventually. What matters is the efforts you put in the work you do. Struggles are the ladder to success, just be yourself and create your own style. Your dreams shall come true!”

How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma


Neha is undoubtedly a very talented doodle artist whose work is very intricate and full of love. She can turn a simple wall into a beautiful work of art.
How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma

Always believing that Art is the most powerful medium to convey any message, the doodles of Neha are filled with fun patterns and explore her creativity. Her magical characters which wiggle and dance on paper resemble striking playfulness and precision.

How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma

We as a team would like to thank Neha for this fabulous interview and also for sharing her beautiful artwork with us.

Learn more, Dream more and Do more is all we can say to Neha.

How To Be Funny And Inspiring - The Story With Oodles Of Doodles With Uncommon Doodler Neha Sharma


You can see many more of Neha’s doodles on following handles :

FB PageInstagramTwitterYoutube


Do you also love doodling ? Would you like to share your work with us ? Mail us at theuncommonbox@gmail.com  or use the Submit Your Story option on the website.

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Team TUBhttps://theuncommonbox.com
The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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