HomeInsight TUBActivitiesAn Uncommon Campaign For Safety In Our Cities With TUB and Safecity

An Uncommon Campaign For Safety In Our Cities With TUB and Safecity

The Uncommon Box stands for the rights that help individuals to lead the most meaningful life they can. It is this inspiring thought that led us to collaborate with Safecity, an international not-for-profit organisation in a special 2-week campaign called simply #TUBWITHSAFECITY

We now invite YOU to be a part of this international campaign and win official recognition from The Uncommon Box and SafeCity for your creative contributions in any of the 4 sections mentioned below.


Theme: Raising Awareness and Voices against Sexual Violence.

Sexual violence is a global pandemic of crimes like sexual assault, rape, and sexual abuse against anyone, anytime and anywhere. It is a silent epidemic, often going unreported because of the stigma attached to the victim.

It is time things changed and we can bring about the change.

Join The Uncommon Box and Safecity in this unique campaign.
Duration of Campaign: 15th September to 28th September 2017.

Result : The best creative contributions for each category will be featured on our website www.theuncommonbox.com on 5th October.

The following are the 4 categories of this special campaign:

#1 Posteron ki Goonj

Safecity Campaign
Illustration Credits : FREEPIK.COM

The Uncommon Box invites all artists to put their artistic skills to use and create a powerful poster on the theme of Raising Awareness and Voices against Sexual Violence.

The illustration should be accompanied by a suitably powerful slogan that is focused on the theme.

General Rules:
  • Uploads can be made tagging The Uncommon box insta handle, or TUB’s FB group or tagging Twitter handle, on the appropriate media.
  • All uploads must carry the 2 tags @theuncommonbox & @pinthecreep especially on Instagram, Twitter and on FB Group upload, you have to mention @theuncommonbox & @safecity.in.
  • All uploads must carry the 3 hashtags of #TUBWITHSAFECITY #THEUNCOMMONBOX #SAFECITY
  • All private Instagram handles must be made public during the campaign period.
  • Three friends must be tagged to invite them to join us spread this campaign.
  • Follow @theuncommonbox & @pinthecreep on the social media handle (Instagram, Twitter) You are posting on and for FB follow at @safecity.in & @theuncommonbox Page.
  • Individuals can participate in all categories if they wish.
  • Safecity is launching its mobile app on 21st September- all participants are requested to download it. For more information, check @PINTHECREEP on Instagram.


#2 Siyahi ki Awaaz

Safecity Campaign

The Uncommon Box invites all writers to pen nano tales in not more than 20 words on the theme of sexual violence. The tales could either be a depiction of the horrors of sexual violence or a strong protest against it. The words ‘sexual violence’ may or may not be used in the nano tales.

General Rules:
  • Uploads can be made tagging The Uncommon box insta handle, or TUB’s FB group or tagging Twitter handle, on the appropriate media.
  • All uploads must carry the 2 tags @theuncommonbox & @pinthecreep especially on Instagram, Twitter and on FB Group upload, you have to mention @theuncommonbox & @safecity.in.
  • All uploads must carry the 3 hashtags of #TUBWITHSAFECITY #THEUNCOMMONBOX #SAFECITY
  • All private Instagram handles must be made public during the campaign period.
  • Three friends must be tagged to invite them to join us spread this campaign.
  • Follow @theuncommonbox & @pinthecreep on the social media handle (Instagram, Twitter) You are posting on and for FB follow at @safecity.in & @theuncommonbox Page.
  • Individuals can participate in all categories if they wish.
  • Safecity is launching its mobile app on 21st September- all participants are requested to download it. For more information, check @PINTHECREEP on Instagram.


#3 Tasveero Ke Alfaaz

Safecity Campaign

The Uncommon Box invites all photographers to use their skills to capture clicks on the theme- SAFE IN MY CITY. These photos should carry a feel good factor in them, highlighting the positives in our cities that make it our home. The photos can depict moods conveying emotions of happiness, safety and security- all what we hope to achieve completely in our cities soon. Each photo must be accompanied by a short write up in about 150 words explaining the focus and mood of the picture. Any number of uploads are allowed.

General Rules:
  • Uploads can be made tagging The Uncommon box insta handle, or TUB’s FB group or tagging Twitter handle, on the appropriate media.
  • All uploads must carry the 2 tags @theuncommonbox & @pinthecreep especially on Instagram, Twitter and on FB Group upload, you have to mention @theuncommonbox & @safecity.in.
  • All uploads must carry the 3 hashtags of #TUBWITHSAFECITY #THEUNCOMMONBOX #SAFECITY
  • All private Instagram handles must be made public during the campaign period.
  • Three friends must be tagged to invite them to join us spread this campaign.
  • Follow @theuncommonbox & @pinthecreep on the social media handle (Instagram, Twitter) You are posting on and for FB follow at @safecity.in & @theuncommonbox Page.
  • Individuals can participate in all categories if they wish.
  • Safecity is launching its mobile app on 21st September- all participants are requested to download it. For more information, check @PINTHECREEP on Instagram.


#4 Bloggers’ Talk

Safecity CampaignBloggers Talk

The Uncommon Box invites all bloggers to create a special article on the theme of Raising Awareness and Voices against Sexual Violence. You need to send in your article on the theme to us theuncommonbox@gmail.com, along with links to your blog as well. The best posts will be featured on our website and the website of Safecity with backlinks to your blog as well.

Bloggers are requested to subscribe to the Newsletter from our website www.theuncommonbox.com


This multi-faceted campaign needs just one ingredient to make it a success and that is YOU. We are looking forward to overwhelming support from you in the form of participation in this campaign. The issue is a critical one- no one can be safe unless the evil of sexual violence is annihilated forever. Come and be a part of a meaningful campaign with The Uncommon Box and Safecity.

  • Follow us @theuncommonbox and hashtag us #theuncommonbox on your uploads to be specially featured on our community on Instagram and on Facebook Group and Facebook Page.
  • ? Our platform curates quality content from all genres of creativity – we invite writersartistsfashion followersstylistsphotographersperformance artistsbloggerslifestylistsFood Lovers – anyone with a passion for making their dreams come true. We are a forum sincerely dedicated to the promotion of all spheres of creativity. You can be a professional or an amateur – you can be anyone starting your hobby a fresh! All that matters is your creative spark! So join us today and live the Uncommon life!


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Team TUB
Team TUBhttps://theuncommonbox.com
The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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