HomeMusingsArt Tales9 Satirical Doodles that Hold the Mirror to India's Real Democracy

9 Satirical Doodles that Hold the Mirror to India’s Real Democracy

For any artist the political scenario of the world is an inspiration with multiple reasons. Power, Politics and Politicians are always in the limelight, either for the good that they do or for the good that they do. Sarcasm and Satire come hand in hand with Politics and satirical doodles is the perfect way to ask the right questions; be it Mr.Trump’s shenanigans or the face of Indian Democracy, nothing can escape the artist’s keen eye.

With an eye for finding the real image of India. Sumouli Dutta @woodledoodledesigns, a passionate doodler has come up with certain uncommon yet hard hitting images that showcase the political imbalances that form India’s political crux.

9 Satirical Doodles that Hold the Mirror to India's Real Democracy

From a very young age Sumouli has been interested in doodling, her out of the box thinking has led her to work as a visual merchandiser for Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Ltd. Although she has a degree in Animation and Multimedia, she tells us that she is a self taught artist with a style of her own.

The real fate of Indian democracy has these untoward facets of bribery, corruption, vote bank politics and much more, here are illustrations that add satirical light to the political system of India.

The Tribe of Bribes :

9 Satirical Doodles that Hold the Mirror to India's Real Democracy

Only promises and no work,

But does anyone care.

Yes, only at the next election – Does anyone want to join the Tribe of Bribes?

We Equally endorse all Inequalities:

9 Satirical Doodles that Hold the Mirror to India's Real Democracy

Gender Equality is not a women’s issue. It is a people’s issue that every citizen of the country must promote. Are our netas setting us the right example?

It is still 33% of women reservation in the political frame for women. Merit is not the only criteria for selection and crimes against women are not getting justice. What has happened to our Democracy.

The Great Indian Economic Wall :

9 Satirical Doodles that Hold the Mirror to India's Real Democracy

We have heard of the Berlin wall, the Great wall of China, and the Indian wall of Economy that perfectly divides the wealth in between them. We said perfectly and not equally.

Democracy of the Dictionary:

9 Satirical Doodles that Hold the Mirror to India's Real Democracy

 It is still about Power, not a one man dictatorship but with a group of people ready to loot this country in broad daylight. Corruption, Vote bank politics, shoddy project work. We choose our leaders based on who is the least corrupt and not who can lead our country to greatness.

The Rich get Richer and the Poor get no Richer

9 Satirical Doodles that Hold the Mirror to India's Real Democracy

Money runs the government, Money runs the mafia.

Money runs the people.

The ones who have no money have nowhere to run !!

Bribistan Zindabad

9 Satirical Doodles that Hold the Mirror to India's Real Democracy

It is not just the politicians, we too have inculcated the habit of corruption to get our job done. India is not my problem. Hand in hand with power and money does our economy run.

Feeding the Corruption Monster

9 Satirical Doodles that Hold the Mirror to India's Real Democracy

The Story of Mahabharata is full of tales of Asuras and their appetite for more and more.

Story of our Bharata too is full of such Selfish Monsters that plague our progress. Timeless tale indeed.

Love is Blind, What about the Law?

9 Satirical Doodles that Hold the Mirror to India's Real Democracy

This image is self explanatory, do we still need to ask for justice after more than 6 decades of independence.

The 8 images bring to you NEWS from all the eight cardinal directions to show the complete picture of the Indian Political map.

The Political Map of India

9 Satirical Doodles that Hold the Mirror to India's Real Democracy

In schools we did have to study about the geographical and political maps of India. Is this what we are teaching our kids about the map of India. It is time we changed them.

In a country of billions, there are very few who cannot agree to this scenario. As a country we still have a lot to progress and leave behind.

The artist Sumouli Dutta brings forth the political scene of real India with these bright, colourful and witty doodles that are sure to ask the right questions to us all.

9 Satirical Doodles that Hold the Mirror to India's Real Democracy
Sumouli Dutta

Sumouli Dutta has been into the creative space ever since her childhood, she finds inspiration from her grandfather’s philosophy of “Simple living and High Thinking” and also from artists like Neha (Neha.Doodles) and Sara Faber.

She urges the young brand of doodlers to run after the art of making doodles rather than running behind followers. She hopes to build her own brand and online stores in the coming years and reach more people with her works.

You can connect to her at the following links:

Instagram : www.instagram.com/woodledoodledesigns/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/woodledoodledesigns/

We, at the Uncommon box are always on the lookout for artists who have a penchant for doing things differently. We are open to ideas that ask us to take notice. We select artists based on their art forms, artwork and the uncommon ideas behind their work. Contact us here at the following links and who knows, you may be our next featured artist.

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The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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