HomeInsight TUBSpecial DaysCelebrating The “World Book Day”; An UnCommon Way

Celebrating The “World Book Day”; An UnCommon Way

Bibliophiles! Book lovers! Book Fanatics its our day dedicated to the one common friend that we love i.e., BOOKS 😀

We could have listed and recommended you the top and best-selling books or the books that we love! But today we thought why not we celebrate it in a different way, in an uncommon way.,

And that’s by giving a special mention to the Writing Communities, all of them being already widely known, out of these few of them are apps, few take submissions through their dedicated links and few just pick the best ones through their dedicated hashtags on Instagram.

You might be wondering! What? Why Writing Communities on the World Book Day? What’s the connection? And here’s your answer… Becauseeee…

An Author, in a layman’s language anyone who writes, be it a novel, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, prose, quotes, a collection of writings, is called “Writer” and these communities give a platform to the emerging writers and we strongly believe that these amazingly, talented,writers who pen down their thoughts so eloquently may be the future Authors of the upcoming Books.

Imagine the amount of the books we, the book lovers will have the options to choose from to read, ENDLESS!! 😀 #bookgasm

And these communities that we are giving a special mention about, are the ones who inspire the writers, and publish them, feature them through their online platform in various mediums.

In our recent poll on Instagram we asked the writers and poets to name their favourite communities and here are those few (tch tch our favourites added 😉 ) which we take the privilege to highlight the information about those few communities and their founders, so that book lovers, readers who love to read, readers who are interested to read but just the short writing pieces, poetry and quotes or the long written captions, new writers, amateur writers, avid writers, basically writers of all kinds and readers of all kinds, can follow them and indulge on to the beautiful, raw and all kinds of writings of the featured writers through these Awesome Dedicated Writing Communities.

Focusing on the Instagram Writing Communities –

#1 Community Name – @BYMEPOETRY

Brain child of Susan Llewelyn 

Celebrating The World Book Day An UnCommon Way

@ByMePoetry pick & feature from their dedicated hashtag #bymepoetry

BMP has been awarded the Most Innovative Publisher 2018 (long listed) Saboteur Awards UK ??BMP has Publishedtwo books as collection of poems by poets and writers around the world.

One of those being POETICA VOL 1 & Other is WOMB- Celebrating Mothers.

BMP hasa wide range of Instagram accounts dedicated to the specified locations globally. It also has one handle for Hindi, urdu writers. 😀


#2 Community Name – @HerHeartPoetry

Brain Child of Rayna Hutchison

Celebrating The World Book Day An UnCommon Way

@HerHeartPoetry community picks and features from their dedicated hashtags – #Herheartpoetry

HHP has got wide range of globally spread accounts dedicated for new writers, arts & crafts, mental health issues and writing prompts.


#3 Community Name – @Artlixirpoetry

Brain Child of Dr.Priya Dolma

Celebrating The World Book Day An UnCommon Way

@ArtlixirPoetry community feature from their dedicated hashtags – #Artlixirpoetry

Artlixir Poetry also has a wide range of globally spread accounts dedicated for the Art, New writers and Spoken word artists.


#4 Community Name – @AVoiceFromFarAway

Brain Child of Tulika B

Celebrating The World Book Day An UnCommon Way

@AVoiceFromFarAway feature from their dedicated hashtags – #Avoicefromfaraway

A Voice from Far Away is an E-zine and a Community of artists across the globe.


#5 Community Name –  @Untwine.Me

Brain Child of Heavena

Celebrating The World Book Day An UnCommon Way

@Untwine.Me picks up and features from their dedicated hashtags – #UntwineMe

Untwine Me has got a wide range of accounts on Instagram globally dedicated to different locations, different forms of art, books, photography and societal issues.


#6 Community Name – @GlobalWordSmiths

Brain Child of Shaz

Celebrating The World Book Day An UnCommon Way

If you write only on Instagram and you are up for weekly word prompts and challenges.

GWS select the writings from their dedicated hashtags (which changes with their challenge every week) and they also select from #globalwordsmiths and feature the great ones.


#7 Community Name –  @TheScribbledStories

Brain Child of Mohit & Omair Tarique

Celebrating The World Book Day An UnCommon Way

The Scribble Stories focuses on the short stories that are first submitted by the writers through their dedicated submission link, from which they pick and feature the writings on their Instapage.


#8 Community Name –  Terribly Tiny Tales @ttt_official

Barin child of Anuj Gosalia & Chintan Ruparel

Celebrating The World Book Day An UnCommon Way

Anuj Gosalia and Chintan Ruparel started their `micro-fiction’ page, popularly known as TTT.

They take the submissions through their submission link, they accept from micro tales, poems to long tales and word prompts.


#9 Community Name – Mirakee

Brain child of AlankritaSoodAkshay ChhikaraVikasKalwani

Celebrating The World Book Day An UnCommon Way


Mirakee is a Writing app which has spread out globally now and the writers are open to put their thoughts given a great choice of writing fonts and background options to choose for their writings.

The writings are selected through the app and then featured on the Instagram on their Handle’s.

They have more than 3 handles dedicated to English writings and one handle dedicated to Hindi and Urdu writers.

They call themselves – The Writers Paradise


#10 Community Name – Yourquote

Brain Child of Harsh Shehanshu & Ashish Singh

Celebrating The World Book Day An UnCommon Way

YourQuote is a fastest growing app. Which is being widely used around the world.

They give an amazing range of wallpapers along with writings fonts to garner followers & make Everything, Like literally EVERYTHING that involves creative writing. They give the option to write, record an audio or video as spoken word, poetry and also the comedy stand up.

They have a wide range of accounts, each based out on different languages and locations of India. They also have everyday challenges, word prompts, and collab options with a motive of keeping the creative side of the writers active.


Do you think we missed on any communities on our list from Instagram?

(We know too, that we did) and If you think so too, mail us theuncommonbox@gmail.com or DM us @theuncommonbox and let us know! Sooo we could come up with our next article dedicated to those communities, who are dedicated to feature and publish the writings sourced from the new, old, amateur and avid, creative writers, poets, tale tellers, micro tale tellers, story tellers, caption writers and quote writers who would or could be a BOOK WRITER sharing the power of words in the BOOKS that we as BOOK LOVERS would love to indulge into.

For, Book(s) is the best friend who quietly tells you stories and takes you to a parallel world through the words.



And before we end this article: I, (TUB author, being part of this amazing community @The UncommonBox) would like to take this space to mention our very own TUB community –

#11 Community Name – @TheUncommonBox

Brain child of @Frameshade

Celebrating The World Book Day An UnCommon Way

Its a onestop community for the artists, writers, poets, photographers and many creative people, basicially a niche of various creative platform, which features from a dedicated hashtag #theuncommonbox

TUB also gives website features to all the inspiring and emerging writers, artists and photographers, it doesn’t only dedicate to them but all to a wide-spread range of creative people and believes in showcasing their talent and getting inspired and inspiring others in a loop.


We hope we helped out new emerging creative writers with this information on who to follow and which apps to download for sharing, writing, sharping up their writing skills and also to get featured. On this note, expecting many many many writers and many many many books to come.

Keep writing!

Signing off!

You can follow “THE UNCOMMON BOX” at the following social channels

Instagram | FB Page | Fb Group | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube



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Team TUB
Team TUBhttps://theuncommonbox.com
The Uncommon Box (TUB), is a pannier with uncommon treasures from our very own common surroundings. Everything in this world is unique in its own way; it's just the matter of realizing and appreciating it. We are here with our thoughts which have been gathered from the common lives we are living. We believe in the special or uncommon that remains undiscovered or unnoticed in our routine hectic life. The aim of this community is to ‘be uncommon and do uncommon!’

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